Chapter 25 ~ Bloodline Powers

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Chapter 25

Mason watched until we turned the corner. That was the second time he had caught me with them. And for some reason it had made me feel guilty. It might have had something to do with the look he gave me. A confused look a child would give their parent for wrongfully punishing them.

We continued down hall after hall until we exited the building. No teacher stopped us or even asked, where we were going. When we reached the parking lot I decided that enough was enough.

“What are you doing? Where are you guys taking me?”

Juno spun around to face me, “how long has it been? Two? Three weeks?”

“Two,” Angel answered.

“Two weeks,” Juno nodded. Then turned her attention back to me. “You’re a witch…does that scare you?”

I think that’s something she should have asked me two weeks ago when they confirmed that I was in fact, a witch, and as were they. I licked my bottom lip slowly, staling as I tried to read Juno’s innocent looking face. “No.”

“Good,” she smirk and we continued our way to her car. Angel took the driver’s seat, Juno the passenger, and Odette and I the back seats.

“Have you tried to figure out what powers you have, if any?” Odette asked being friendly again.

            “Um…well,” I shifted in my seat. I wasn’t really proud of the ‘power’ that I did have and I’m sure it isn’t that impressive, but I didn’t feel comfortable  talking about it. “I can…switch songs on my Ipod and I can turn it off and on. But that’s about it.”

“That’s better than Odette,” Angel laughed.

“Shut up!” Odette folded her arms over her chest like a little girl. She sometimes made me wonder just how old she really was.

“What does she mean?”

“My bloodline… is mixed with both witch and vampire. Making me stronger, faster and better looking than most,” she smiled but it quickly faded, “but the two bloodlines have canceled each other out and I don’t have any real power. I can cast weak spells but even then I can’t do them on my own. The only thing that even marks me as witch a is my tattoo.”

“So do you have to drink blood or anything?” that had been a question I’ve had been meaning to ask since she shown her bright red tattoo and revealed that she have vampire blood.

She laughed a little and sighed, “nope! But I could if I really wanted too. I might as well be human.”

            “What about you Angel?”

            She glanced at me in the rearview mirror before she answered me.

“I can only cast spells on men. It comes in handy with teachers. But what I  do best are demon contracts,” she said with a sly smile.

“What’s a demon contract?” I asked with furrowed brows.

            “It’s just like any other contract. A deal that requires payment, but the person has to pay me…with their soul,” a shiver ran down my back, “although I can’t take their soul until I die and become a full demon. So for now, they pay me with money,” she looked over to Juno. “Isn’t that right?”

Juno glared at her, but didn’t answer, “Get out of the car, we’re here.”

I looked out the window and we had in fact arrived at some destination. We had turned off the main road and were on one made up of dirt and gravel. A decent amount of trees hid us from the street. They almost walled us into another world. A world that no one else knew about.

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