"Oh look, Ryan is coming." She smiles as she waves to him.

Within a few seconds, he has joined us. "John, how are you doing?" He asks while grabbing his hand to shake it.

"I'm great."

"How's your new record coming along?"

John laughs. "Funny you should ask. That's why I was looking for you. I was hoping I could convince you to sing on one of my songs for the new album?"

Ryan's face lights up. "Are you serious? I would be honored."

Just then the lights flicker. "Awesome, we can discuss the details later."

We then turn and watch as the MC walks on stage. "Ladies and Gentleman, St Jude's Hospital is proud to present Grammy winner and Country Music Star Hunter Hayes."

The lights dim and the crowd starts clapping as the music to Hunter's newest single 'It's our time' begins. When Hunter steps on stage I can't take my eyes off him. I am totally captivated by his boyishly good looks, which he still has even at the age of 27.

Through out the song he glances over at me. I know he can tell I'm staring at him and he seems to be taking pleasure in it. Every time he catches me, his smile grows bigger. Lord, I can't let on that I still care for him. I need to leave the room.

I tap Ryan on the shoulder and whisper in his ear that I'm going to get some fresh air. He nods his head and even asks if he should join me. I shake me head, no. As I'm getting about to tell Liz my plans, Hunter finishes his first song and everyone applauds.

"Thank you. Now, I'd like to slow it down a bit and play for you one of my earlier songs. I hope you don't mind. If you know the words, feel free to sing along." With that said, Hunter begins to sing 'Wanted'.

I love that song. So I stop and listen, totally abandoning my plan to leave. When I dare to look up I discover him looking straight at me. It feels as if he is singing only to me. His eyes are so intense. I can barely think straight.

When Ryan wraps his arm around me, I lean into him. He gives my shoulder a slight squeeze letting me know he is aware how hard this is for me. I look up at him and smile then I mouth the words "thank you", being careful to not let Hunter see.

After he finishes 'Wanted' I ask Joe, who joined us at some point during Hunter's first second, if I could borrow his wife for a few minutes. He smiles and kisses Liz on the cheek before she follows me to the ladies room.

"Are you okay?" Liz asks as she closes the door.

"Yeah, I think so. I just needed to get away for a few minutes."

"I can understand why. The way Hunter was looking at you while he performed 'Wanted', dang girl we're lucky someone didn't have to call the fire department. He was definitely trying to send you a message." She giggles.

"Lord, was it that obvious?" I ask as I pace back and forth. "I was hoping I was imagining it."

"No, you weren't."

"What am I going to do?"

"There's nothing you can do. You and Hunter have strong feelings for each other. Kelly being pregnant isn't going to change that."

"But he needs to be with her and their unborn child. I can't get in the way of that. I won't." I say adamantly.

Just then Stephanie and Melissa walk in. "There you are. Hunter is all done performing and they are asking all of us who are participating in the dance auction to gather in a different room so they can explain how things will work." Melissa announces.

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