Chapter 13: Exaggeration

Start from the beginning

When we finally got onto the plane it was 8am and we all looked as if we were dragged through hell and dropped onto earth. Eliza had basically knocked out as soon was we got onto the plane, which was annoying considering she was pretty much sprawled across both her seat and my seat. Aunt Jen took a bit longer but also managed to knock out due to 38 hours without sleep. I however could not even think about going to sleep, because I was spending most of the flight concentrating on my breathing, and attempting to distract my mind.

When we finally got of the flight, I felt as if the air had returned to my lungs and I didn't feel nauseous for the first time in about 6 hours. The first thing I did was buy two bottles of water and drink them both in less than two minutes.

I then proceeded to throw the empty water bottles at Eliza's head, swearing profusely at her for the painful plane ride. Her entire side was leaning against mine, which not only sparked up my claustrophobia the tiniest bit, but was also extremely fucking irritating.

The cab ride back to the hotel was almost as bad as the one from the house to the airport. This time, aunt Jen and I had placed our luggage in the trunk, forcing Eliza to hold her suitcase. And as ingenious as the plan sounded from outside the car, inside the didn't seem as intelligent. Eliza was completely terrible at staying still which meant the suitcase ended on my lap for a few minutes and then aunt Jen's for the rest of the trip. Believe it or not Eliza did not have her luggage on her lap for more than two minutes.

I was extremely close to pulling her hair out.

When we finally got to the hotel and checked in, it was about 2:30pm, and we had to be over at cousin Isla's house around 8 so we could get all the information about the wedding rehearsal, which was tomorrow. That gave us, me especially, five and a half hours to catch up on the sleep we had missed out on.

The hotel rooms we quite cute. We got two rooms, both rooms next to each other. They were both pretty much the same size, except one had a king sized bed in the middle of the room, and the other had two single beds, one on each side of the room.

I was guessing that Eliza and I were sharing.

I kicked my shoes off as I dumped my luggage on the side of my bed, jumping into the bed. We were all in our pyjamas considering neither of us were willing to actually wear formal clothes on an airplane at 6am.

I was woken up at 7:30pm in the most infuriating and confusing way.

Somebody had poured water on me.

I woke up gasping from the surprise, 100% sure that somebody was in the room attempting to murder all of us.

I was delirious okay?

So I woke up to see Eliza just as soaked and just as confused as I was, and aunt Jen running around half dressed telling us that we were late to meet at cousin Isla's. Whilst it would have been no big deal to arrive fifteen minutes late to anybody else's house. This was cousin Isla's and aunt Jess's house. Aunt Jess was just as bad as Isla and Emma. She was just as stuck up, just as snobby, just as judgemental, actually scratch that. More judgmental. I guess the apples don't fall far from the tree.

Eliza and I looked at each other before springing out of bed, I quickly pulled out my outfit from the luggage, basically making everything spill out of it. I got a pair of black skinny jeans with an opaque v neck black top. It had short sleeves and a zip down the middle, I wore it with a black vest underneath and a bunch of bracelets to cover my wrists. I paired it with black combat boots. I also pulled my hair into a high pony tail.

Eliza, obviously, was more colourful than me, wearing a tie died summer dress.

"It's like, 30 degrees outside" I commented

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