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*5 years later*

Angie's POV

I stand in front of the full length mirror admiring the glittering white dress (A/N Angie's dress and shoes on top) that I fell in love with the moment I tried it on. I smooth out some wrinkles before getting distracted by the gorgeous engagement ring that Josh got for me, I hold my hand in front of my face so that I can see the details of the ring, the diamond glitters in the light just like my dress making me smile. I look back into the mirror admiring how my hair is styled with little jewels showing up in some pieces of hair, I can't help but smile at this moment, the time that i'm about to marry my true love and become his wife for the rest of my life.

Right I guess I should tell you about the past few years. After one year with the Manitoba Moose, the Jets' affiliate in the AHL, Josh finally got his NHL debut. I was in Winnipeg for every single game he played. We bought a cute little apartment in downtown Winnipeg so that Josh could be close to the arena for the games, I found a job as a midget girls hockey coach, those girls are my life and I couldn't ask for a better job. We don't have any munchkins but we do have the most adorable dog on this planet called Max, but i'm not biased or anything.... anyways currently Josh has just finished his third season with Winnipeg and he couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. Reminiscing in the memories makes me remember the day when he proposed.....


I stand at the bench watching over my girls team with a smile on my face as they practice their skills. I see one of the younger girls bent over with tears in her eyes, I get onto the ice worried, I take her to the dressing room and get her to sit down in her stall. She tells me that she misses her parents, I hug her close telling her that it will be okay and that she will see them after practice. Once she cheers up I take her back towards the ice, I stop when I see Josh at centre ice with roses in his hands. He gestures for me to come closer, I do as he says and step onto the ice with a smile on my face, he suddenly takes a knee gently putting the flowers on the ice before he takes out a ring box, I gasp putting my hands in front of my mouth as I tear up slightly.

"Angie, we've been through hell and back these past 6 years, but I couldn't ask for a better person to spend those 6 years with then you. I could not imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else, that being said will you please do the honour of marrying me?" Josh explains to me holding out a beautiful ring, I nod with tears going down my face, "yes yes yes" is all I say as he slips the ring on my finger before lifting me off of the ice twirling me, I hear all the girls cheering and taping their sticks on the ice making me smile as I wipe the tears off of my face. "You've just made me the happiest girl in the world" I tell Josh smiling, "no I think you've made me the happiest guy on this world" he counters kissing my nose gently before letting me go so that I can continue with the practice.

*Present Time*

"Angie babe are you ready?" I hear my friend Trish call as she walks through the door breaking me out of my trance, "wow Josh won't be able to keep his hands off of you" she tells me walking closer to me with a smile on her face, "I just can't believe that this is finally happening" I say looking over at her, "I think we've all been waiting for this to happen" she explains to me putting her hands on my shoulders, I nod, "let's do this" I say. My dad walks into the room after a few minutes smiling at me, "are you ready for this hun?" he asks me taking my hand, "yes definitely" I reply smiling at him as he walks me out of the room and to the doors that take me down the aisle to my soon-to-be husband. I take a deep breath before the doors open and i'm walking down to the aisle looking at Josh the whole way.

Once I'm finally standing at the altar next to Josh I can't keep the smile off of my face. The preacher starts talking but I can't focus because I'm feeling so much bliss at this moment. We say all of our vows and the preacher finally pronounces is husband and wife, Josh dips me when he's aloud to kiss me, I wrap my arms around his neck smiling into the kiss.

Josh brings me back up to my feet and pulls away from me keeping an arm around my waist. I look out at the crowd of friends and family surrounding us and I realize this is what I have wanted all my life. I look over at Josh and he's already smiling at me, he takes my hand and kisses it gently before squeezing it softly. Right now I know that I couldn't ask for anything more. Through everything that has happened these past 5 years I have learnt that Josh is all I need, he's been with me through all of the hardships and all the amazing moments and I can't wait to spend many more years with him.

A/N GUYS THIS IS THE END!!! Thank you so much for reading and commenting and voting for this story!!! There will NOT be a sequel to this but I hope you have enjoying following Angie and Josh through their relationship!!!

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