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A/N Guys here's the next chapter!!! It's a little sad at the end but it will get better!!! I'm sorry for not updating often, you guys are the best readers though!!! <3

Angie's POV

Me and Josh step off of the plane at the Kelowna airport followed by the whole Rockets team. I have my arm around Josh's waist while his is around my shoulders holding me close to his side. "It's great to be back" I say looking up at him, "it sure is" he replies looking down at me with a smile on his face before kissing my head as we keep walking. "Hun, are you going with the team or with us?" My mom asks loudly making me turn to her before glancing at Josh to see what he thinks, "you should go with your parents, I'm going to have to do some interviews" he explains to me, I nod and bring my lips onto his before going to my parents with my carry on in hand. I look back at Josh one last time and wave smiling at him, he winks at me before getting onto the bus.

Once we finally get home I grab my stuff and go straight to my bedroom flopping onto my bed. I take my shoes off before rolling onto my back so that I'm looking at the ceiling with a slight smile on my face.


I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing, I groan before taking it and answering without looking at the Caller ID. "Hello?" I say with sleep in my voice, "Ange wake up i'll be there in 5 minutes" I hear Josh say before hanging up, I look at my phone confused, I put it down and flop back down onto the bed sighing as I fall asleep again with a smile on my face. After what feels like a few seconds I feel someone shaking me, I groan swatting the persons hand away, "Ange..." I hear, I put my pillow over my head avoiding the person, "you asked for it" they add. I'm suddenly getting tickled, I squeal sitting up quickly, I see Josh smiling next to me with his hands still tickling me, I squirm, "s-t-t-t-o-o-o-p-p" I say as I laugh trying to move his hands, he laughs at my attempt. When he stops tickling me I take a deep breath before flipping us over so that I'm straddling him with my hands on his chest, Josh looks up at me and his eyes darken slightly as he swallows holding my hips. I bring my hands to his shoulders lowering myself onto him slowly bringing my face close to his with a smile on my face, Josh looks at my lips before looking into my eyes. I bring my lips onto his gently, as his hands take my neck bringing me impossibly closer, I trace his chest and torso gently smiling into the kiss before abruptly pulling away and getting off of my bed to go get changed, he groans making me smile at the effect I have.

Once I'm dressed I walk out of the bathroom to see Josh still lying on my bed with his arms behind his head as he stares at the ceiling. I whistle making him look down at me, I walk towards the bed with a smile on my face, "you are such a tease Ange" he tells me sitting up, I shrug, "oops" I say innocently looking down at my feet. I hear Josh's feet him the hardwood floor so I look up and am surprised when he is right in front of me putting his hands on my hips to bring me closer. "Want to come help me pack up my stall and say bye to the guys?" he asks me, my eyes light up happily as I nod quickly squeezing his arms as I jump up and down, Josh laughs at my response and wraps his arms around me hugging me so that I stop jumping. "We should get going Ange I have to get there for a certain time" Josh explains to me, "okay lets go!" I say grabbing my purse before dragging him to the truck, once i'm in the passenger seat I bounce around not being able to contain my excitement, Josh brings a hand down onto my leg, "Ange calm down its nothing to be excited about" he tells me smiling, I nod biting my lip as I stop my leg from bouncing, he goes to take his hand away but I grab it and interlace our fingers, he squeezes my hand before bringing it up to his lips to kiss it gently, I blush as I look out the window.

Josh parks the car at the arena parking lot, I unbuckle myself and jump out of the truck running over to the drivers side waiting for Josh to get out. Once he finally gets out he drapes his arm across my shoulders bringing me to his side as we walk towards the players entrance. We get to the locker room and see tons of cameras and the whole Kelowna team individually packing up their gear. I spot Madison across the room packing so I decide to go surprise him, I run up to him and jump onto his back, I slide back onto the floor and he turns to see me smiling at him, "ANGIE!!" he exclaims smiling as he brings me into a hug. I get out of his arms to go back to Josh, I turn and see a bunch of reporters talking to him, I pout but decide to talk to some of the other Kelowna players as I wait. I hear a whistle as I walk by some of the guys, I turn around confused and see Chance Braid smirking at me, "I don't believe that we've met, I'm Angelique, Josh's girlfriend" I say to him sticking out my hand politely, "oh I know who you are darling, I'm Chance" he explains to me with the same smirk on his face, I roll my eyes at him and walk away. Nick Merkeley smiles as I approach him, "hey" I say mirroring his smile, "hey Angie" he replies patting the stall next to his so that I sit, "what's Chance's problem?" I ask him, "yeah you should stay away from him he's a bit of a player" Nick explains to me, I nod in understanding.

A few minutes later Josh still hasn't stopped talking to the reporters, "hey just tell Josh that I went to the washroom" I say to Nick, he nods and I get up going out of the room and towards the washroom. All of a sudden I'm pulled into a doorway which I find out is a little janitors closet. Before my eyes can focus some lips are on mine, I tense but after a few seconds I start to relax kissing the guy back as I bring my hands up to his neck, I snap out of my daze when I feel the long hair. I put my hands on his chest and push him back with all of my strength. The door suddenly opens, I gasp when I see Josh looking at us, the heartbreak is clear in his eyes, "Josh..." "Don't" is all he says cutting me off before leaving, I look up at the mystery guy and see Chance smirking at the door. I get out of his arms and run out of the room to go find Josh, I get to the locker room and see that it's empty, I fall to my knees bringing my head into my hands and I feel the tears falling down my cheeks. I take my phone and call my mom to come pick me up from the arena.

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