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A/N Second part of the double update!!! Enjoy!!!

Angie's POV *a few weeks later*

I am currently packing a small bag for my little weekend trip to Kelowna to see Josh. "Are you almost done sweetie?" my mom asks coming to my door, "yeah" I reply grabbing the last item to put into my bag, "you should get going it takes a few hours to get there" she adds smiling at me. I look up at her smiling, "I know mom, i've got it under control" I explain hugging her as I grab my bag. I say goodbye to my dad and to Danny, messing up his hair, he groans and tries to fix it. I laugh at his reaction before putting on my boots and walking out the door to my car.

While I'm driving I listen to music and some sports talk radio, I hear the radio announcers mention Josh so I turn up the volume. They end up interviewing him which gets me even more excited to see him in person after a few long weeks since the World Juniors ended. Kelowna has been playing well since Josh has be acquired in the trade. I've been watching the games online keeping up with all the Kelowna games. I see the sign that tells me that I'm near Kelowna so my smile widens.

I get off at the right exit, which brings me to the arena where the Rocket have their practices and games. I texted Madison Bowey to ask when they have practice which is why I'm going to the arena in the first place. I wanted to surprise Josh since he thinks that I'm coming later in the day. Once I get to the arena I park my car, I jump out of the car barely containing my excitement as I walk to the entrance, I lock my car before going too quickly. I text Madison when I get into the arena hoping that he remembered that I was coming, and that he has his phone nearby. He tells me to wait and that he'll come and get me. I play on my phone whole waiting, I'm suddenly lifted off of my feet and brought into some arms. I squeal and hug Madison back with a huge smile on my face.

Once he lets me go I look up at him, "you don't know how happy I am to be here" I tell him, he laughs and gestures for me to follow him. I do so and can't keep the smile off of my face as I look around at the arena. I run my fingers along the wall as I follow Madison down the hallways. We walk by the Kelowna Rockets locker room and go out the player tunnel, "you can sit on the bench, coach knows that you were supposed to come, so don't worry" he explains to me, I nod and sit on the bench with a huge smile on my face. I watch the players skating around the ice as they do drills. I watch Josh, but he hasn't noticed me yet as he concentrates on the drill he's doing. The coach blows his whistle and tells the players that they can have a water break. Some of the players look at me confused but I just smile at them, I see Josh skating backwards towards the bench talking to one of his teammates. He stops in front of me with his back still facing me, I bite my lip as I wait for him to turn around.

Josh's teammate looks at me, which must confuse Josh since he doesn't have his full attention so he turns around. I smile up at him, his eyes widen as he realises that i'm right there. "Ange!" he says smiling at me, I nod waving. "Surprise" I tell him standing up off of the bench so that I can get closer to him, he grabs my waist bringing his lips onto mine as my arms wrap around his neck. Suddenly we are sprayed with water, I pull away from Josh in shock looking to see who did it, I see Madison looking at us holding in his laughter, I see a water bottle in his hand. "That was so mean! I'm wet now" I tell him pouting, at that he bursts out laughing, I cross my arms stepping out of Josh's arms. "Hey Ange, relax no harm done, he's just being annoying" Josh tells me, "yeah I know but I'm cold because of the water" I explain. Josh suddenly hops over the boards making me back up and almost fall backwards. He catches my waist keeping me upright, "thanks" I say smiling up at him, "anything for you" he replies kissing my forehead softly. I hug his waist trying to keep some warmth, I scrunch my nose up when I smell his sweat, "okay yeah no more hugging, you smell horrible" I say getting out of his arms my nose still scrunched up, "fine, I need to go back to practice but I have a sweater in the locker room in my stall if you're still cold" he explains to me kissing my head one last time before getting back over the boards and getting back to practice drills. I walk to the locker room and slowly open the door. I smile once I see the nice room, I look at all the name plates above the stalls and once I spot Josh's I walk over and take the sweater hanging on the hook, I throw it over my head and breath in the scent smiling as I walk back out of the room flopping the sleeves around because they're too long.

I sit back down on the bench watching the end of practice as I still play with the sweater sleeves. I catch Josh's eye and he looks at me with a smile on his face, I realise that I probably look really silly playing with the sleeves of the sweater so I stop and smile back at him. I play games on my phone to waste time, when the coach blows the whistle and dismisses the players for the day I put my phone away and stand up. All the players wave to me, which makes me happy and once Josh finally gets off he wraps an arm around my waist bringing me close before kissing my lips softly, I smile into the kiss bringing a hand up to his neck bringing him even closer. He pulls away after a few seconds, "I should go shower and change but i'll meet you at the main entrance" he tells me smiling. "Sounds perfect" I reply letting go of him and going back to the main entrance the same way that Madison showed me before.

I stand in the main foyer sitting on a bench as I wait for Josh to come out. I text my family that I'm in Kelowna and that I'm safe. I then take a picture for Instagram updating where I am. Once I finish that I look up and see Josh coming around a corner with his hockey bag over his shoulder and his hockey sticks in his hand. I smile at him, he walks over to me also with a smile on his face, he drops his things onto the ground and wraps both of his arms around my waist bringing his lips onto mine, "much better" I tell Josh once I pull away from him, he laughs at me as he lets me go and picks up his things again. "Lets go" he says gesturing toward the doors. I get to my car with Josh next to me, "well I brought my car but i'll give you the address and you can meet me at my house" he explains to me, "sounds perfect" I reply. Josh writes down the address to his house before pecking my lips and going to his car.

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