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Angie's POV

I wait at the player's entrance, after the game ends, for Josh with a concerned face. I cringed a little when I was watching the fight that happened at the end of the first period. Luckily Kelowna won 5-3 making the game a great one. I hear footsteps a few minutes later, so I bite my lip anxious to see Josh, I see him walk out and there's a cut on his cheek. I gasp and run up to him taking his face into my hands inspecting the damage, "Oh my gosh are you okay?" I ask him, he puts his hands over mine smiling, "i am perfectly fine Ange, I can't say the same for the other guy though" he replies, "but why did you fight?" I add concerned, "well i saw how he was acting towards you during warm ups, and then he mentioned it to me during the game" he tells me hanging his head, "hey, you have absolutely nothing to worry about Josh, no one else matters, only you" I explain hugging him, he buries his face into my hair making me giggle, "i hope so" he says his words muffled by my hair. I run my fingers through his slightly damp hair and I feel him relax into me. "Lets get out of here and forget about the douchebag on the other team" I say making Josh look up, I smile at him and he sighs standing up to his full height. I take his hand in mine and swing our hands back and forth with a goofy smile on my face, this makes Josh laugh, "there's that laughter and smile that i've been waiting for" I explain. Josh squeeze's my hand making me look down at our intertwined hands, for the first time I notice that his hand is bruised and battered. I pout, bringing his hand up to my lips kissing each knuckle softly, "you didn't have to fight him for me Josh" I say quietly, he brings my head up with his free hand, "you are worth everything in this world" he tells me smiling, I smile at him and he kisses my forehead.


I park my car next to Josh's once we get back to the house. I grab my purse and get out of my car following Josh to the door since he has the keys to the house. Once we get into the house I automatically go and flop down onto the couch face first. I hear Josh laugh but I just groan feeling exhausted from being on my feet all day. "Angeeeeeeee why don't we go up to my room so that you can sleep on a nice and comfy bed" Josh says to me quietly, I stick out my arm. Josh grabs it and lifts me off of the couch and throws me over his shoulder. After a few seconds i'm put down onto Josh's cushy bed, I sigh happily and curl up with a pillow smiling, after a few minutes Josh gets into bed and pulls me into his chest with his arms around my belly, "Night Ange" he says, "night" I reply before falling into a dreamless sleep.


I wake up the next morning still wrapped in Josh's arms, I look up at him smiling. I take his hand from around my waist and I kiss it softly interlacing our fingers. He squeezes my hand so I look up at him again, he smiles at me and runs his free hand through my hair. "Morning" I say tracing shapes on his bare chest, which I'm leaning on, "morning Ange" he says to me kissing my forehead softly before leaning back against the pillows again. "Is today an off day?" I ask him, "yeah, then we play again tomorrow and then on last time three day from now" he replies, "so i'll be able to see you play two more times before I have to leave?" I say, he nods, "yep, it will be perfect" he tells me, "please don't fight again, I was so worried" I explain, "i'll try not to, but you never know what will happen" he says to me. I kiss his chest gently before getting out of his arms so that I can change out of the clothes I ended up sleeping in last night. I grab an outfit out of my suitcase before going into the washroom to change.

Once I'm done I step out of the washroom and see Josh still in bed, under the covers and looking at his phone. "Josh, are you seriously still in the same place I left you?" I ask him with my hands on my hips, he looks up at me and I cock my eyebrow at him, "yeahhhhhh" he replies elongating the word, "okay, cool, i'll just go chill with Blake" I tell him walking towards the door, before I can get the door knob arms are around my waist and I feel the hardness of Josh's chest pressing into my back. I look over my shoulder and he catches my lips with his making me turn around in his arms and throw my own arms around his neck bringing him close. I pull away after a few seconds, "well look who got up" I say smirking at him, "yeah well I can't let my beautiful girlfriend hang out with my billet brother alone" he explains to me his arms still around me, "ah I see" I reply putting some distance between us making his arms drop from around my waist. I slip my hands into Josh's and pull him out of his room and into the kitchen smiling. As we get closer to the kitchen I'm suddenly pushed against a wall and Josh brings his lips onto mine, I run my fingers up his bare chest before bringing my arms around his neck, I smile into the kiss as he lifts me off the floor with his hands holding me up by my thighs, I wrap my legs around him as he keeps me against the wall. "WOAH!!" I hear, Josh drops my legs and pulls away from me, I see Blake staring at us with wide eyes, "don't let me stop you" he says before walking past us and going to his room. I blush feeling embarassed so I cover my face with my hands, Josh brings me into his arms and kisses the top of my head, "it's okay Ange" he tells me, "that was so embarassing" I say into his chest, he laughs and I hit his chest. 

I get over my embarassement and go into the kitchen to eat breakfast with Josh following behind me.

A/N Hope you guys liked this chapter!!! I just came up with a great idea for this story and I can't wait to write it out for you guys!! <3

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