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World Junior Championships - Gold Medal Game - Canada vs Russia

A/N Let's just pretend there was an off day in between...okay awesome proceed!!!


"TODAY'S THE DAY!!!" someone screams through the door, I groan burying myself into Josh, "Ange we have to get up it's gold medal game day" Josh explains to me running his finger through my hair. "Okay i'm up" I say sitting up which makes Josh follow my movements. I notice that I didn't even change out of my outfit from yesterday. I noticed that Josh is shirtless with his track pants the only other thin he's wearing. I go to my suitcase and grab my work uniform and going to the washroom to change. "I'm going to go back to my room Ange" Josh tells me through the door, "okay" I reply loud enough for him to hear. I finish all that I needed to do and I walk out of the washroom and grab my coat and bag before walking out of my room so that I can get to the arena before all the players have to be there. 

I text Marcus on the way to the ACC (Air Canada Centre), to make sure that I'm going at the right time. He tells me that it's fine so I keep going to the arena. I look at the Bronze and Gold Medal game banner's outside the ACC doors for later today and I smile. When I get into the arena I go straight to the coaches room to see what needs to be done for tonight's game. I walk into the room with a huge smile on my face, "good morning everyone" I exclaim happily, "morning Angie" Marcus replies smiling at me. "What do you need help with?" I ask Marcus, "well...for now just chill here, and once I find something i'll let you know" he replies to me, I nod and sit down on one of the chairs in the room.


"Angie!" I hear, I look over at the voice, Marcus is looking at me, "yeah?" I ask, "could you go help out at the Merchandise stand for the Bronze medal game?" he asks me, I nod and get up. I put my phone in my back pocket before going to the merch stand at concourse level. I see that there are already two girls there getting everything ready so I walk over to the table smiling. The girl with blonde hair spots me first, "hey" she says to me, "hi, i'm here to help out, my name is Angie" I tell her, "hi Angie, i'm Veronica and this is Kim" she explains to me while gesturing to the girl with dark brown hair. "Awesome, so what can I do to help?" I ask getting behind the table with them, "well for now there's nothing but once the fans start coming in it will get pretty busy" Kim explains smiling, I nod. 

I end up standing at one end of the table while Kim has the other end and Veronica is in between us, so I turn towards  them not worrying about anyone coming to get anything yet. We're just talking about whatever comes to mind so that we aren't completely bored. Some hands suddenly come to my waist making me jump in surprise with a hand over my heart. I turn and see Josh smiling at me, "oh my gosh don't do that Josh" I tell him slapping his arm, he laugs at me and brings me into his chest, I wrap my arms around him breathing in his scent with a smile on my face. I pull away from the hug a little and look at him, he pecks my lips quickly, "I should get back to the guys before anyone notices that I'm gone" he tells me kissing my forehead before pulling away from my arms and leaving back to the team. 

I turn back to the girls, "did you see him coming?" I ask, "yeah but he kept gesturing not to say anything" Veronica replies smiling. "You guys are so cute together" Kim suddenly blurts out, "thanks, i guess, i'm not sure if that was how I should reply to that" I say blushing a little. "How did you guys meet?" Veronica asks me, "I'm interning with Team Canada and one of the first days we met and the rest is history" I reply with a smile, as I remember our first meeting. "That's adorable, but isn't that not aloud though?" Kim says, "we did get caught once, but my boss let it happen as long as neither of us get distracted from our work" I explain, both girls nod. "So when do doors open?" I ask them, Veronica looks at her watch, "they should be opening in about 5 minutes" she replies, I nod and straighten out some pieces of merchandise. 

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