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A/N I'm so excited for this chapter!! Virts is making an appearance :) that's him on the top/side <3

*2 weeks later*

Angie's POV

It's been two weeks and it still hurts because Josh hasn't come around yet. Maybe what we had was only a dream that we were living in, I just lie on my bed these days and only leave the house when I need to go to school. My mom has been checking up on me frequently to make sure that I eat. I haven't showered for at least a few days and I've been in my pjs for most days. I hear a knock on my bedroom door, "come in" I say sitting up on my bed a little. The door opens and Jake Virtanen's face comes into view, "Jake, what are you doing here?" I ask, "I heard what happened so I came to cheer you up, I smile at him slightly loving that he cared enough to come all the way from Calgary to see me. I open my arms wanting a hug, he walks over to me and lifts me out of bed to hug me tightly. I rest my head on his shoulder happily, "you smell horrible Angie lets get you in the shower" he says to me, I hit his arm, "rude" I exclaim but he just laughs sweeping me off of my feet to carry me to the bathroom. He stays in the bathroom, "you have to leave Jake you can't stay in here" I tell him pushing him back into my bedroom, he pouts but doesn't object. Once I'm done my shower and I'm in some clean clothes I smile feeling a bit better as I walk back into the bedroom. "There's the smile I've been missing these past few months" Jake says to me happily, I hug him again loving how he smells before pulling away. "What are we doing today?" I ask him, his eyes light up, "we're going to the Aquarium" he replies happily with a huge smile on his face, this make me smile to as I clap my hands excitedly, "you know me so well" I exclaim. Jake throws his arm across my shoulders as he drags me out of the room, I hold onto his hand squeezing it, "thank you for this" I tell him as I look up at him, "I don't mind Angie" he replies kissing my head softly.


*at the aquarium*

Once we get our admission I take Jake's hand and drag him to the penguins. I stand in front of their big exhibit and look at the adorable penguins swimming and just standing. "Angie!" I hear so I turn to Jake with a confused look on my face, "we should go see the other exhibits" he explains to me, I nod happily and walk over to him letting him take my hand as he guides me to other exhibits. I take a bunch of pictures of the fish and of me and Jake together to remember this amazing day. By the time we're done it's a little after 3pm and I'm pretty tired from our day, "what do you say we go grab something to eat before I take you back home?" Jake asks me, "sound fantastic" I reply linking my arm with his as we walk out of the aquarium. We end up eating at a little diner near the aquarium, I find myself laughing for most of the time. I miss laughing like I am now, I suddenly stop laughing once I realize how long its been since i've laughed so hard, Jake notices right away, "hey why did you stop?" he asks me concerned, "I just missed laughing, thank you so much for cheering me up Jake I really needed this" I reply to him smiling, "come here" he says gesturing to go to him on his side of the booth, I sit on his lap and he brings my legs across his legs keeping me close, "you are worth it Angie never doubt that" he explains before kissing my temple gently as I lean my head against his chest. "We should go back I need to do some work for school" I tell him after a few seconds and I get out of his arms and stand back up.

We get back to my house and before we get through the door Jake throws me over his shoulder making me laugh, "put me down Virtanen" I tell him hitting his back repeatedly, "never" he replies laughing as he runs through my front door to get into the house. I pout as I look at the floor with my arms crossed, I see some familiar shoes standing nearby, I snap my head up and see Josh standing in the living room looking at us confused, "Josh" I say quietly as Jake brings me back to my feet, "I probably came at a bad time, i'll just go" he tells me, "no please don't go, Jake just came to cheer me up" I explain, Josh nods and looks down at his feet. "Well i'm going to go, I have to get back to Calgary, but i'll see you guys later" Jake tells us smiling before he takes his bag and walks out of the door leaving us alone.

"Do you want to sit?" I ask Josh gesturing to the couch, he nods and sits down on the nearest couch. I sit on the loveseat across from him and play with my fingers nervously, "please look at me Ange" he says to me, I look up at him biting my lip, "I have been thinking a lot these past few weeks and you mean the world to me Ange and I don't want to lose you" he explains, I hang my head assuming that this is not going to go as planned, "I realize that nothing that happened was intentional by either you or Brayden, so I would love to make you mine again" he finally says, my head snaps up in surprise and Josh has a small smile on his face, "really?" I ask him in disbelief, he nods at me his smile growing wider. My lip trembles as I look at him, "come over here Ange" he adds, I jump off of the loveseat and run over to the couch and bury my head into his neck with tears falling down my face and onto his shirt. "Why are you crying Ange?" he asks me bringing my face in his hands so that i'm looking at him, "I'm just so happy" I explain smiling through the tears, Josh wipes the tears from my face before he brings his lips onto mine. I bring my arms around his neck and smile into the kiss as Josh brings my legs on either side of him making me straddle him. "WOAH, okay I guess you guys made up" I hear making me jump away from Josh as I blush, I see my mom watching us with a smile on her face, I bite my lip and nod as I look over to Josh bringing out my smile.

A/N okay here's this chapter!! I hope you guys liked it!!!

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