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A/N I know it's been a while guys and this chapter is going to be shorter than usual but I hope you guys still like!!! The next chapter will definitely be more exciting!!!

Josh's POV

Me and Angie walk out of the house, she holds my hand tightly as we walk to my car. I look over at her and see that her bottom lip is trembling, I stop her from walking, "hey it's going to be okay Ange" I explain to get smiling, she nods as she bites her lip, I bring her into my arms hugging her closely. She clutches my shirt tightly, so I rub her back gently as I kiss her head. "I'm going to miss you so much" she tells me, "I'll miss you even more Ange" I reply smiling slightly. We stand there hugging for a few more minutes, "I have to go Ange, I have to make it back in time" I explain to her pulling away from her. Before I let go of her completely I lower my lips onto hers wrapping an arm around her waist. A few seconds later I pull away with a small smile on my face, "remember this isn't goodbye Ange this is only see you later" I say smiling at her, she nods smiling at me as I walk to my car so that I can get going. I wave to her as I drive away and she does the same until I can't see her anymore.


Angie's POV

I walk back to my room quietly hugging myself so that I don't start crying. I sit on my bed and hug my hockey puck pillow close to my chest burying my face into it. I take a deep breath as I get off the bed to go check my social media on my laptop. I type out a new tweet,

Someone want to come save me from my misery? #imisshimalready #help

I send out the tweet while pouting, a few seconds later my phone starts ringing. I look at it curiously before answering,

Angie: hello?

Eric Comrie: Angie what's wrong?

A: Josh just left and I wish he didn't have to

E: babe he has to play hockey, plus you'll see him again before you know it

A: yeah I guess you're right

E: I'm always right

A: oh shut up you big goof

E: rude...but I still love you

A: good to know that you love me, anyways I should probably go do something with my life instead of moping

E: okay well don't worry about Josh he loves you and you will see him soon

A: bye Eric

E: bye Angie

I hang up the phone with a slight smile on my face as I try to figure out what I should do today. I end up watching a movie on my laptop while lying on my bed snuggling my pillows. Before I know it the sun has set and it's dark in my room. I get off of my bed and turn on my light blinking quickly to adjust to the change.


*a few hours later*

I put my used dinner plate into the dishwasher before going back to my room quietly so that I can get ready for bed and new day tomorrow without Josh.

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