Chapter 12: Condemnation

Start from the beginning

Although, I did remind her many times that she couldn't keep up with it for her entire life, and that she would have to speak to him sooner or later, she just ignored me.

It wasn't fun avoiding Jordan.

Although Jordan is first and foremost Eliza's ex boyfriend, he was also my friend, and as much as I can't admit it in front of Eliza, I do miss his company. We do text sometimes, usually he texts me to ask if Eliza's still avoiding him, to which I remind him that if he has to ask me if she's avoiding him, then she probably is.

I got up, realising that Eliza was nowhere to be seen, which meant she was probably going to return with a bucket of water or something.

She hasn't been in the best mood since she started avoiding Jordan.

I got up to have a quick shower, before drying then straightening my hair, putting it in a neat ponytail after. I decided on a long sleeve top tucked into a high to low skirt, with of course, my converses.

I grabbed my bag before running downstairs to see Eliza waiting patiently for me.

And by patiently I meant she was tapping her foot in anticipation standing right besides the door.

The first three classes with Eliza was basically torture considering they had Jordan in them as well. Throughout the entire lesson she would ask if he was looking at her. Which of course he was, so she would groan and get back to writing. As mean as it sounded I was beyond relieved when Eliza had to go to maths and I went to English.

When I got to my class, I was greeted by Miss Edmund who smiled politely. I took a seat, just as the second bell went, signalling the teacher to start her lesson.

The first question of the day just happened to be "How does the author of the novel Pride and Prejudice use her characters to display the stereotypes on wealthy and non wealthy people?"

Of course, because I was...well me, I put my hand up almost absentmindedly, and whilst I was 100% sure the teacher would pick me considering nobody else in the class actually spoke, Miss Edmund surprised me by saying "Levi?"

I don't think I was the only person who was shocked, considering around six other people in my row turned to face Levi, of course the only person's eye he did catch was mine. He sent me a playful wink as I rolled my eyes before he spoke.

"The stereotype is that those who are wealthy  are considered stuck up snobs and those who are not are humble and polite. This is shown in the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy. Because Darcy is rich and he's an asshole and Elizabeth is poor but she's nice" Levi concluded

I found myself grinning in pride, laughing a little at his choice of wording to describe Darcy but proud nonetheless.

"Th-that's brilliant Levi!" Miss Edmund exclaimed, almost as proud as me.

Keyword: Almost.

The class had continued and so did Levi. He was on a roll. He was answering pretty much all the questions the teacher would ask, and if I wasn't so proud, I'd be pretty jealous. He was answering questions we didn't even go through and it astounded me how this had come from only one tutoring session.

I stand by what I said on Saturday, Levi is the smartest kid in school.

Lesson had finally finished, and as usual, I stayed back in class so I could avoid the crowded hallway. I began packing my books into my bag before I was called over by Miss Edmund.

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