Ch. 24

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Derek came back into the room and put the bag back over my head. He untied my legs and then grabbed my arm pulling me after him.

I didn't know where we were going, but I had a feeling it was somewhere I didn't really wanted to be.

I was dragged down the hallway after hallway. I had no idea where I was. Derek led me up two flights of stairs and down several more hallways, finally stopping when he threw me in a room.

I ripped the bag off of my head and glared at him. He smirked then closed the door and left. I stood up and looked around the room, instantly recognizing it. Josh's room.

Why was I here? This didn't make any sense. I heard the shower running and I knew it was Josh. This really worried me, somehow my dad, Josh, Derek, Calum, and I were all connected and I had no idea how.

The shower turned off, and shortly after Josh emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Before this would have made my heart race but Calum had a way better body.

He looked at me and smiled, clearly expecting my arrival.

"Aurora! It's so good to see you again!" He came and squeezed my cheek my dad had slapped earlier. It hurt like hell.

When I didn't say anything, he continued, "Aren't you going to say it's good to see me to?"

I glared at him, "If I said that I would be lying."

Josh eyes got really cold, he grabbed my arm roughly. I knew there would be a bruise there. "Listen to me you little bitch. We're going to be together for a very long time and I will not put up with your attitude, understand?"

I didn't, "Josh, we're not together anymore, I'm with Calum now." Even if I was technically only legally with Calum, that didn't matter because he didn't know any different.

Josh punched me in the eye and I fell on the ground. He leaned over me , water from his wet hair dripping onto me giving me chills. The look on his face was murderous. "Not for long." He began to pace back and forth, "you see your mine; you always have been and always will be. You don't know how much it hurt me and you went off and married that loser." I wanted to defend Calum, but I also wanted to live so I didn't say anything.

I tried to stand up but he pushed me back down on the floor. "What do you mean I'm yours?" I asked in a small voice.

Josh looked at me in pity and laughed, "oh, you don't know do you? Your dad and I made deal about three years back. He desperately need money; apparently the fights once a week weren't cutting it anymore, so I kindly offered him money in exchange for you." He poked my nose. "And in case you couldn't put the pieces together, he took the offer." Once again I was still surprised. My dad gave me away like I was property. "Everything was going great for a while, you and I were together and I was helping your dad working his way up into the bug times, but then you had to go and ducking ruin it." His tone went ice cold. "You had to go and fucking marry that bastard. And now you're pregnant." He kicked me in the jaw, hard. "But don't worry; I will take care of all of that. Soon it will just be you and me, and it will be my baby you're carrying, not his.

Then he slammed the door and left the room.

A tear rolled down my face. There was so much going on I couldn't even deal with it. The only things keeping me from flat out going up were my baby and Calum's promise.

Accidentally (Calum Hood)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang