Ch. 17

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A couple days passed since the incident with Derek. Calum hadn't heard anything so I was really hoping maybe Derek would never contact him. Course, I knew that was only wishful thinking.

We were at Starbucks getting drinks (Sadie wanted us in public acting all lovey dovey as much as possible) just hanging out. We sat down outside (so everyone could see us) and it was a beautiful day; it hadn't been this nice in a while.

Calum had gotten some funky coffee thing so while he was signing some autographs for some girls I decided to try some. I wound up really liking it and drank almost half of it. I rolled my eyes when I saw some girl had written her phone number on his cup, apparently she didn't notice the ring on his finger. Cal still hadn't noticed I had taken any, so I just innocently put it back.

"Finally." He groaned when they left. "I love our fans but sometimes I want to be left alone." He picked up his coffee and from the look on his face I could tell he knew I had taken some; it must have weighed a lot less. "Did you have some?" He eyed me.

I tried to look as innocent as possible, "Only a small sip."

He took off the lid and looked inside. "Only a small sip?! It's half gone!"

"'re just being dramatic." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine then." He grabbed mine and stared drinking it.

"Hey! I wasn't done with that, asshole!"

"'re just being dramatic." Fucking douche bag. Stealing my coffee. He laughed at himself because he thought he was sooooo funny.

His phone started to vibrate; when he looked down at it his face went completely still.

"Calum, what is it?" I tentatively asked.

"'s nothing." He stuttered a little. Well clearly being wasn't going to work.

"Stop being a little bitch and just tell me what it is. It's Derek isn't it." I really hoped it wasn't.

He just nodded. "Tonight. Midnight. The usual place.' Is what it says."

I groaned, "you're going right?"

He mumbled something, it sounded like a yes.

"Well, can I at least come?"

He looked up at me completely shocked, "you would want to come?"

"Well...yeah." I didn't know why, I just felt like I needed to be there for Calum.

"No. Absolutely not. It's not safe." He looked determined but now I was pissed. Who was he to tell me what to do? People had been telling me what to do my whole life, my dad, Josh, and I was sick of it. I was done.

"Since when the fuck do you tell me what to do?" I stared straight into his eyes, not blinking. I wasn't going to back down.

"Since apparently when you're being fucking stupid. It's not safe, I won't be able to stand there and hold your hand if you get scared, I'm going to be a little busy trying not to die."

"I don't need someone to hold my hand; I can take care of myself believe it or not."

Calum stood up, "Fine, if you want to come so badly, you can come. But if you start crying and acting like a little bitch it's not my fault. These things can get ugly."

I stood up too, "Ugly I can take." I'd dealt with it enough in my life.

We looked over and saw a bunch of girls taking pictures of us, so Calum put his arm around me and gently kissed me, it sent a rush through me. I knew it wasn't real, but it gave me confidence.

Everything would be ok tonight.

At least I hoped it would.

Accidentally (Calum Hood)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن