Ch. 20

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Needless to say, Sadie was pissed. She took one look at Calum and nearly started crying. She began doing that pacing and talking to herself thing that she was so good at. Calum and I sat like children being scolded on the couch. Again.

We had told her Calum had gotten into a bar fight defending my honor from some guy hitting on me. Sadie believed it without question, probably because it wasn't to long ago that he had gotten into a fight with Josh. My stomach rolled at the thought of him. UGH. How could I ever wanted that gross pig?

Sadie was also pissed because we hadn't been out in public together all that much lately, and we only had 3 months left of our 'arranged' marriage, so she wanted as much publicity as possible.

Sadie suddenly stopped in her pacing, "I have an idea! We could tell everyone Aurora's pregnant! That'll get the paps all over you guys!"

I raised my hand slowly, "Uhh, what's going to happen when I don't have a baby in 9 months?"

Sadie looked at me like I was stupid. "Those are just details, we'll make you have a miscarriage or something and then you can be heart broken and cheat on Calum! Yes! This is perfect! 3 months is plenty of time!" She looked at my stomach "It won't be that far of a stretch anyways."

I gasped, what was all the digs about my weight lately? Fuck her. Sometimes I felt like Sadie was asking me to punch her in the throat.

Calum looked at me with worry in his eyes; I knew instantly what he was thinking. What would Derek do if he thought I was pregnant? What would my dad do?

"Look Sadie, I really don't think this is a good idea." Calum said.

"Nonsense! This is perfect! How do you guys feel about getting pregnant tomorrow?" She clearly wasn't asking, because she said it as she was walking out the door.

"Fuck," I groaned, "This isn't going to end well."

"No it isn't." Calum agreed.

"God, isn't it weird to think that we have been married for 3 months?" I asked, in the beginning I thought this marriage would never end; now it was going by really quickly and I secretly wanted it to slow down. I mean how often do you accidentally marry a rock star?

"I know, and to think you still hit me in your sleep. Even last night when I'm practically on my death bed, you punch me in the mouth." He pointed where there was a cut on his lip, "Your ring did that to me! It hurts!" My ring?

"So you can get beaten up by some giant and not complain but me lightly punching you in the face almost makes you cry?" I teased.

"Hey, don't sell yourself short, you hit pretty hard for a girl." Calum got up off the couch and wondered into he kitchen.

"Um, excuse me dickhead," I said getting up and following him, "I don't appreciate the sexism."

"I don't appreciate the sexism." He said mocking me in a high voice.

I shot him my middle finger. "Douche."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, at least I don't turn into a psychopathic manic once a month."

I gasped. "I do not!"

"Aurora...come on, you do. 2 weeks ago you nearly cut my balls off because I took to long. You threatened me with your razor."

I had to give him that one. "I was having a bad day, ok? Anyways, speaking of showers I'm going to go take one."

"Just don't threaten anyone while you do."


As I turned on the shower I could hear the boys coming home. I had really missed them. I felt like it had been forever since I'd seen them which was weird cause we lived together.

I got into the shower and started doing my thing. I had my foot propped up on the shampoo bottle, shaving my leg when out of nowhere there was a knock at the door. It had surprised me so much, my foot slipped off the bottle and the razor cut my leg, badly.

I was lying on the shower floor, crying a little might I add and bleeding all over the place when the knock came again. This time it came with a voice, it was Calum "Ugh, Aurora? Are you ok in there?"

"IM FUCKING FABULOUS!" I yelled, "Thanks to you and you obnoxious knocking I slipped while shaving my leg, now I am fucking bleeding all over the fucking place. So yeah, I'm great!"

Calum opened the door laughing. "Here, let me see."

He started to open up the shower curtain but I quickly yelled, "What do you think your doing?" And he stopped.

"Well, I'm trying to help my clumsy wife, is that not ok?" He was still chuckling.

"Not while I'm naked dumbass, hand me a shirt or something." I managed to stand up and turn the shower off. Damn it stung.

Calum's hand stuck into the shower holding a shirt, I ripped it out of his hands. "Thanks." It was one of his t-shirts, so it covered everything.

"You know, we are married. That means I haven't gotten any action in 3 months, so would it really be that bad if-"

"Yes" I threw on his shirt. "Alright, I guess you can help me now."

Calum pushed back the curtain and rolled his eyes. He took one look at my leg and said, "Shit, you're going to need stitches." He grabbed an old beat up towel and held it haunts my leg. "Here hold this." He leaned down to pick me up but once again, i stopped him.

"Excuse me, but some underwear and shorts would be nice to if we're going out in public." He groaned and then walked over and got some. Once I had put them on he picked me up easily, despite all the bruises.

He carried me downstairs, past the boys, who all started laughing when Calum told them what happened and then went out to the car.

"Don't bleed on the seats." Calum said as he backed out and headed towards the hospital. He laughed, think he was so funny.

"Douche." I muttered.

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