Ch. 3

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I could feel tears welling up in my eyes; it wasn't like me to cry but what he said really hurt. I weaves my way back through the crowd to the bar. I sighed. Now I just really wanted to go home. Josh was easy to spot in a crowd so I knew he wasn't near anywhere I was.

I began wondering around the house trying to find him. I looked everywhere on the bottom floor but couldn't find him. He must have been upstairs then, but I don't know why. People only went upstairs to hookup.

I climbed up the stair with Michael's words repeating over and over in my head. I didn't feel like I was any different, but maybe I was... Maybe being with Josh wasn't such a good idea or maybe it was. I probably changed for the better anyways. Michael just couldn't see that; too hung up on the old Aurora. I was starting to feel better about myself as I was checking rooms.

I opened the first door on my right "Josh?" I heard a lot of grunting and moaning. That couldn't be him. So I went to the next door. "Josh?"

"Aurora?" Someone said but it wasn't Josh.

"Luke?" He was in a very compromising position with a girl.

"I'm so glad you came! I'm a little busy right now but I'll catch up with you later!" He sounded out of breath, I wonder why...

"Yeah sure!" I laughed and backed out of the room, closing the door and locking it. I wouldn't want be disturbing time.

I rounded the corner when I smacked into someone's chest. I looked up and saw Calum's eyes. Great.

"Watch it" He glared at me. I looked down to my shirt, which was now covered in alcohol. Yippie.

"Thanks a lot" I said sarcastically as I could. I had to ring out my shirt, it was so wet. And unfortunately. It was white, so my bra was clearly visible. Josh is not going to be happy about this.

Calum noticed my shirt too "So you do have boobs, Aurora!" He slurred drunkenly.

I was pissed now "I am a girl you know. Boobs come with the territory. Also irrational mood swings and violent tendencies toward men" I stated at him.

Calum laughed, leaned down and whispered in my ear "I've always known you were a girl Aurora" The. He smiled his trademark smile that made girls everywhere swoon. Except for me. It just made me want to throw up. "My rooms right here" he pointed to the door behind him "you can borrow one of my t-shirts" Then he winked and walked away. Wow, he must be pretty drunk.

I looked down at my shirt and knew that I had to change, I couldn't go anywhere like this. I opened Calum's door and it was pitch black. I had to feel the wall to find the light switch. When I finally found it and turned the light on. I wasn't surprised. It looked like Calum. There was boxes from moving thrown into corners, not unpacked of course, and he had stuff spewed all over the place. His bed was unmade and his drawers were falling out, his room screamed THIS IS CALUMS ROOM. He had posters hung up and a few beanies scattered everywhere. I somehow managed to find a t-short laying on a chair and took mine off and threw his on. I really don't care, I just wanted to go home.

I turned off the light and went back out into the hallway to look for Josh.there was only the bathroom left, so he had to be in there. I walked over and knocked on the door. No one said anything so I opened it.

And that is where I found Josh, screwing some chick. He looked at me in horror. "Aurora I..."

I felt sick "I don't want to here it, were done." I turned and ran away from the bathroom as fast as I could. I couldn't get the image out of my head. Every time I blinked, I saw them and what makes it worse is that Josh told me that he wanted to wait until marriage for sex. He clearly was lying his ass off. Tears began pouring down my face as I moved through the crowd trying to reach the door. People kept getting in my way and they were seriously starting to piss me off.

I had almost made it to the front door when I slammed into Calum again. "Fuck off" he said. The. He looked down and realized it was me. He noticed my tears and said "you want a drink?"

I grabbed the drink out of his hand I poured the hard liquor down my throat. I just wanted to forget.

And forget I did.

Accidentally (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now