Ch. 5

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After about 10 minutes of awkward silence we decided to go downstairs and see if the boys were there. As I walked down the stairs all I could think was out of all the boys I could've drunkenly marry, it had to be Cal. This had to be some sort of cruel joke. We fucking hated each other.

Apparently it was later in the day then we thought because all the boys were wide away and eating what looked like dinner. My head was throbbing, my ears were ringing, I felt sick to my stomach with regret so I went to the fridge and got a giant tub of ice cream a joined the boys at the table.

I kept my left hand under the table, I didn't know if I was ready to tell them.

Unfortunately Calum didn't feel the same way because after he grabbed a giant plate of food he casually said "Aurora and I got hitched last night" it suddenly got really quiet. Everyone just kind of looked at each other, not knowing what to say. I personally was frozen with a giant scoop of ice cram on the way to my mouth, and the rest of the boys were in similar situations. Except Cal, he just kept eating. What a douche.

"Are you-" ashton choked a little "are you serious?"

Calum looked at me, expecting me to answer. Thanks hubby.

I couldn't even say the word "yes" so I just nodded.

"Holy fuck" Michael said "We didn't even get to throw a bachelor party! DAMMIT. We could have had strippers and would have been epic"

"I'm so terribly sorry Michael" I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster "it was a little short notice"

"No kidding" ashton added.

Everyone just kind of fell into silence again.

"What about Josh?" Luke added bitterly.

"Well..." I started "Him fucking some chick in the bathroom put a end to that real quick"

More silence.

"How did this even happen?" Ashton asked the million dollar question.

"We were wondering the same thing" Calum added helpfully.

"All I know is Calum got me drunk and then I woke up in his bed married to him. Trust me, I'd love to know the details"

"Hold up" Calum looked at me "I got you drunk? That's not how I remember it"

"Then how do you remember it? Because you were the one that shoved alcohol in my face" I stated

"As I remember, YOU took the bottle out of my hand and went crazy" Calum stood up confronting me.

So I stood up to "How the hell do you even remember? You were completely wasted by then anyways!"

"WAS NOT! Unlike some people I can actually hold my liquor!" He screamed.

"I WANTED to get drunk! I had just seen my BOYFRIEND cheating on me 30 seconds before that and I wanted to forget! You're such a fucking dick"

"OH, I'm a dick! You're a-"

Michael stood up between us "Both of you, SHUT THE FUCK UP" At that instant their manager came bursting through the door and she looked pissed.

"All of you couch, now" The tone in her voice sent chills down my spine. We all obeyed like little kids being scolded. I put my hands under my thighs and Calum put his in his pockets to hide the ring.

She began pacing in front of us trying to find the words to use. She would be just about to start yelling and then change her mind and begin pacing again. "I am so disappointed in you; I cannot believe you you would be so immature and irresponsible!" No one knew what or who she was talking about, was it the party, Calum and I getting hitched, or something else? She sure left us wondering, taking her jolly old time before continuing. "I could have dealt with this and had it taken care of, but NO you had to go a post in on Twitter with PICTURES. PICTURES. I could have passed it off as being a joke, but the picture was pretty incriminating considering one was a MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE." Ahh so it was about me and Calum.

We just looked at each other in shame. Our fears were confirmed, somewhere there was legal evidence of the horrible sins that were committed last night. I just hope I looked decent in the pictures. What if my parents saw? Oh god, my parents. What were they going to say?

"I don't even know what to do with you would look horrible if it got out that this was a drunken mistake, especially since CALUMNAURORA4EVER is trending world wide this morning. You already have a cult following you. Of course with that, there's a lot of hate..." I wasn't sure if she was talking to us or talking out loud to herself

Suddenly it was like a light bulb went off above her head. "I know what we're going to do! This little stunt you two pulled has gotten you more attention in the last couple of months than anything! I don't even know why, it's not like anyone knows who Aurora is...she's not even that pretty..." Well that hurt.

"Hey! That's my wife you're talking about!" Then Calum started laughing, "I'm sorry...I can't do it."

I shot him a nasty glare. Fucking idiot.

"Actually, that's exactly what you're going to do." She said.

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