Chapter Nineteen

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"You shut me down every chance you get. I try to talk, you don't respond. I try to spend time with you, you make yourself busy. I ask you what's wrong, you never tell me. I can't get nothing from you." He raised his voice with each thing he said.

"Because you haven't been honest with me Rich; you lied to me. You looked me in my eyes and lied." I screamed to the top of my lungs.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He held his hands up.

"I heard your phone conversation with Jay the day I was being released from the hospital..."


Rich POV

"You blame me for what happened to the twins! You told him if I hadn't been so stubborn then me having them early could have been avoided. You blame me." She yelled over and over again.


I didn't even realize she heard me that day on the phone. It wasn't even like that. I don't necessarily blame Quanni but I do think she should have just listened to me; I would never tell her that though.

"No Steph, it's not even like that." I said calmly trying to get her to calm down.

"Really bruh? You're just gonna continue to lie to me? I heard you Richard, there's no coming back from that!" She scoffed and sat back on the couch.

Is it bad that I find her so attractive right now?

"Okay, I did say that Steph. But that wasn't what the phone conversation was about." I pleaded with her.

"What else could it have possibly been about?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't tell her that I was actually on the phone planning a whole new baby shower for Quanni. She deserves one with no drama at all. I couldn't tell her that I was purchasing her Range Rover and I was gonna surprise her with it at the shower. I definitely wasn't telling her that I was gonna propose to her again. So I just kept quiet.

"Exactly." She shook her head at me.

"It's not what you're thinking Quanni." I mumbled softly.

"You know what I don't even care what the conversation was about. You still said it. The fact that you even implied that the twins' health complications were because of me was a complete slap in the face. I never had any complications with my pregnancy until I found out about your lies." She pointed at me intently.

"I wasn't threatening to miscarry until I found out about your past life. Stress... Is the reason that I suffered during this pregnancy. But I hid it from you because I would never allow myself to see you carry the burden of think that your were the cause of something terrible happening to your children. I love you too much to do that." By that time her voice was cracking.

"But I didn't get that from you... Not once. You told me one thing and told Jay another. I carried those babies! I did! I sat up in pain countless days hoping and praying to God that my babies and I would make it. I went to countless doctor's appointment that nobody knew about, having tests ran to make sure that they were okay. I told Dr. Asiago that if anything were to go wrong that I wanted my babies to be saved. Don't worry about me. I did that." When the words left her mouth, my heart skipped a beat.

"I would never... Ever put my babies in danger. Certainly not intentionally Rich. Not Rich Jr, not Rima, and not even Skye. I would put my life on the line for them. I did put my life on the line for them. I couldn't avoid having them early Rich, my body just wasn't strong enough." She cried.

She was completely breaking down right before my eyes.

"If that's what makes it my fault then I'm sorry. I'm sorry Rich! I sorry I couldn't protect my babies enough." She forced the words in between cries.

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