Chapter 24- "If only time could just turn back"

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You guys..... There is only two more chapters after this one.... :( But guess what? The sequel will be starting after this is done! I still need to plan it........... I have some ideas of where I want to go with it! Just got to pick one out! The good news is that this book will be ending on a good note! Well my good notes aren't really good are they? 

Anyway! Thank you all so much for all the reads, comments, and votes! You guys amaze me! When I first posted this, I figured I would only get like 100 reads at the most and now we are almost at 17,000! :)

Finally time to see how the other 4 boys are doing....... Uh oh..... Now onto chapter 24- "If only time could just turn back!"


*Harry's POV*

Where am I? The last thing I remember is Liam trying to escape from Cameron. I slowly lift my head and look around the room. There is Liam, Louis is right beside him, and Zayn is right beside him. Seems about right.

Wait. Zayn?! Why is Zayn here with us?! Why did Cameron have to take him too?

I try to raise my arm up but it doesn't move. I look down at it and see it is taped to the chair and my legs are taped also. Liam, Louis, and Zayn are the same way. But where is Niall? 

That's when everything comes back. Niall escaped and is probably home right now. But if he is home, then we must be....... My eyes go wide. We are back with Robert.. I start to frantically pull at my restraints and try to yell but it comes out muffled. Duct tape is on my mouth. Of course..

After pulling on the tape for a few minutes, I give up. When I look over at the boys this time, I see them staring back at me. I give them an 'Are you okay?' look and they just nod their heads. We end up sitting there for what seems like days but is really only three hours. They finally decided to put a clock in here, that's helpful. Note the sarcasm.

Suddenly the door opens and light shines into the room. It blinds my eyes and there are four shadows in the doorway. Once my eyes adjust, I see that the four figures are Cody, Billy, Chloe, and Robert. Oh uh. This is going to be bad.

"Hello boys. Never thought you would be back here now would you?" Robert smirks.

"MMMMMPPPHH!" We all shout.

"Aw cats got your tongues?" He laughs.

"LMMM UMMM GMMM!" I shout. 

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