Chapter 5- Punishment

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Thanks for everyone that is reading this!

So I give you chapter 5! Please note that I haven't written about people being punished so it might be a little bad. But I will get better at it as the story goes on! :D

Sorry if it is short too! I type it on my iPod and then type it on my laptop sometimes!


*Niall's POV* 

Zayn, Harry, and I were watching as two men shoved Louis and Liam in. It was the same men from before expect where is the one that knocked Zayn's chair over? We listen to the whole conversation they had and here that we are going to be punished... When one of them said that, I looked over at Harry. He looked back with fear in his eyes.

Just as the men were saying that, the door slam open, making me and Harry jump. We all look to the door and see the guy that knocked Zayn over, stand in the doorway.

"What is going on in here? You weren't suppose to move them in here yet!" he yells and walks over to Liam, Louis, and the two men.

"Sorry Robert, but these two down there tried to escape." the one above Louis said.

"We caught them and brought them up here. I figured you would want to punish them." the other one says.

"Good work catching them Billy and Cody." Robert says, patting their backs.

Robert leans down to Louis and asks, "How did you escape?"

Louis shakes his head. Robert sighs and gets up and whispers something into Cody's ear. Cody nods and starts walking towards me. I start struggling. He reaches me and untapes my legs from the chair and pulls me up into a standing position. My legs feel really weak and I fall but he catches me and pulls my head to his chest.

"Louis if you don't tell me, then little Nialler here might get hurt." Robert says, bending down to Louis' height.

"You wouldn't hurt him." Louis spats.

Robert laughs and nods at Cody. I feel Cody grab something out of his pocket and put it to my throat. A knife. I gulp. Cody rips the tape off my mouth and I yell out in pain. He tightens his hold on me as I start struggling and takes the knife from my neck and puts it on my arm.

"Are you sure we wouldn't hurt him?" Robert asks.

"Please don-" Louis tries to say but I feel the knife cutting down my arm and I start screaming.


"Okay! Stop! I'LL TELL YOU IF YOU JUST FUCKING STOP!" Louis yells.

I feel the knife leave my skin but he puts it back on my throat just in case.

Louis starts.

"Once you guys left, I started shaking my arms in the tape and they came loose. Once I got free, I helped Liam. Then we found a hanger on the ground and picked the lock."

"Well you shouldn't have done that boys." Roberts says. "There are cameras throughout the whole building."

I breathe out as the knife leaves my throat.

"Well thank you for telling the truth Louis, but there are consequences for your actions." Robert tells him, patting his back.

"I told you the truth! You said you wouldn't hurt us!" Louis yells.

"Wrong. I said I wouldn't hurt Niall, but I already did. Let me tell you all the rules. If you do anything stupid or try to escape, you will be punished. Not one of you, ALL of you. Niall has already got his, so it's time for the rest of you to get punished.

Liam yells out suddenly.


"Nope, that's not how it works. I make the rules, not you." he says and slaps Liam hard across the face.

But it doesn't end there. Robert begins punching him all over his body. Liam's screams could probably be heard from anywhere in the building right now. 

Before I could start yelling at him to stop, Cody slaps a piece of tape back on my mouth and shoves me down to my chair and tapes me back in it. I start struggling but eventually give up knowing I was defeat. I look at my arm to see a huge line going down it, it's still bleeding but not bad. Cody then brings the tape around my body, strapping me to the chair. Why me? Zayn and Harry just have their arms taped to the arms of the chairs.

Cody then goes and puts tape on Louis and Liam's mouths. Liam's beating is finally finished when his head falls to the ground signaling he is unconscious. Robert stands up and walks over to Louis while Cody goes to Harry and Billy goes to Zayn. They all start struggling and all I can do is watch in horror. As they start beating them just like Liam, but Zayn and Harry don't get it as bad as Louis.

Robert stops for a second to go get a chain. Louis' eyes widen in horror as Robert walks towards him, but surprisingly Robert doesn't beat him with it. Instead, he drags Louis over to a wall and drops him beside it. Louis groans in pain and Robert walks over to me, I close my eyes but he walks past me and goes to get something. When he walks past me again, I see a syringe in one hand while the other hand had a leather rope.

Wait. That looks like a belt. Robert grabs one of Louis' arms and stabs the needle in his arm. Louis tries yelling but before the needle is even out, his head falls. He is unconscious. Robert then grabs Louis' waist and puts the belt around it. He then grabs the chain and hooks it to the wall and the other end on the belt. He also puts a lock on the part where the belt and chain meet, so he can't take it off.

Robert stands up and looks around. I look around too. Zayn and Harry are bruised and tears are streaming down their faces, but they aren't knocked out. Billy lifts Zayn and his chair back up. Before they leave, they drag Liam's body over to the opposite wall and hook his leg to the wall so he can't walk around. Robert smiles at the sight of us and they walk out, locking the door behind them with several locks and silence and pain fills the room.


What did you think? Will they ever get free? 

Just letting you all know! The next update is planned to be Monday! :)

But can we get 6 votes and 30 reads this time? :)

I know you all can do it! Reading comments and seeing votes encourage me to write! 

Stay tuned for the next episode of Point Out My Direction! :)

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