Chapter 4 "What Does Soul Pet Mean?"

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Sorry I couldn’t get anymore information then that Toshiro.


It’s fine Kiba. This is a lot of information for you to have gotten in just one day.


Indeed Kiba, but won’t your surperis be upset that your showing this information to us Soul Reapers.


(Everyone in the room was quite and looked at Kiba. She blinked and sat the rest of the books that she had gotten from her home down on a table and looked up at the shop keeper to answer him.)


They are, but I don’t care.


This is consitred triunes you know.


Yes I know and as I said I don’t care. AnReapers like me are considered outcast, so we don’t care what other AnReapers or Hollowans think. We just do as we are told by the Soul Reaper that we fight with. End of discussion.


(And it was. No one else said a word, but they all read the stories and history of Kiba’s kind and they all came to understand that at one point in time, Soul Reapers and AnReapers used to work together, but not anymore. Or at least not all of them did. Kiba was just one of them that still fought along side Soul Reapers.)


“Toshiro hasn’t said a word to me this whole walk back to his house. I can’t help, but feel as if I’ve upset him. Oh god I hope he’s not mad at me. I’ll just have to ask.... Oh know! Not him, not now!!” Toshiro!! Get down! “I pushed Toshiro and Momo out of the way of an ice blast and was thrown back away from them by it. They and the others looked at me and then all around us. It didn’t take long to spot the one that had attacked us, thanks to his laughing partner. I looked up at both of them with anger in my eyes. The one that had attacked us looked at me with icy cold eyes and what he called me upset Toshiro even more.”


So tell me what’s it like to me a Soul Pet, fox! Or does your master not allow you to speak without his say so.


“I said nothing. Just got up and locked gazes with him. His partner was laughing even harder from what he had said. I smiled a fang smile and spoke in a soft sweet voice.” No, I can speak when I want and its just fine. How have you two been One Eye, Chetor? “Chetor stopped laughing and looked at me. One Eye just narrowed his eyes and smirked at me. After that the two of them left without another word to me or to anyone else. I looked at Toshiro, who was starting at me. I nodded to him and he just turned and started walking again. I followed without another word. Everyone else was talking to each other. Finally after about eight blocks Toshiro turned around and asked me the one thing I was hoping he won’t ask me.”




Yes Toshiro?


What does Soul Pet mean?


“I looked at him and signed.” It means Soul Reaper’s pet. “He raised an eye brow to me as did the others. I rolled my eyes and spoke once more.” In other words, any AnReaper or Hollowans that sees me will call me a Soul Reaper’s pet, cause I take orders from a Soul Reaper and not an AnReaper. Need I say more?




“That’s all Toshiro said for the rest of the day. He went to bed early that night. I laid at the foot end of his bed as always. In about an hour I was out of it, but I soon felt Toshiro stroking my fur. I just smiled and relaxed as a deeper sleep took me.”


“Kiba, if being with me causes you so much pain, then why don’t you just leave and go back home? Why do you keep on wanting to stay by my side? Or can’t you go home? Will they not let you go back, because you were and are around me? I don’t know what I can do to help you Kiba, but I do know I won’t let anyone, soul reaper or otherwise hurt you. But for now, just get some rest and I’ll figure the rest out tomorrow.”

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