I didn't want them getting into anything that they weren't prepared to handle. I wasn't going to force them into a situation that could very well be detrimental to them. I was the one Ike wanted. If he ever caught one of these women, he'd do what he needed to get the information out of them. That wasn't something I wanted to inflict on anyone.

Which brought me to my next point, as I met all of these women's eyes with no ounce of the humor I had just a moment ago.

"This man is ruthless," I said, putting extra emphasis on the word. "If he catches you - tell him everything he wants to know. I will not hold it against you to tell him every single detail about what I've told you. If he catches you, I can't guarantee your safety. Do you understand?"

The women, who were happily chatting it up with Logan and Victor just moments ago, were mirror images of my expression, although theirs held a bit more caution and fear in them. I couldn't blame them. One of the women, a soft-spoken girl who hadn't exactly taken part in a lot of conversation with Logan and Victor, stood up now. I watched her, expecting her to refuse the job. To walk away. But she walked around the table, past a stoic Victor and Logan, and knelt in front of me. I watched in confusion, as she took both of my hands in hers.

"A man like that deserves hell and all it's accommodations," She said, and her voice wasn't as soft-spoken as before. Her green eyes were angry. "So why don't we give him something even better? A woman's scorn."

I stared at her for a second, and then let out a short laugh. "I like her," I told Finn, glancing at him.

"Came highly recommended," He replied.

She smiled at me, standing back up, "Well," She sighed, glancing at the women, "How about it, ladies? Want to drive this crazy man insane?"

The women, who's faces were once white and afraid, turned determined, and their hesitant smiles made my heart squeeze.

"I suppose, if there's anyone who can drive a man like that insane, it's us," One of the women nodded.

I grinned, watching as the women nodded in agreement. "Alright then, we're in agreement."

"Now," I started, as the girl in front of me stood to go back over to the couch, settling back down next to Finn - he handed her a tea. "Listen close, because this is when the plan gets detailed -,"

"No code this time," Victor cut in, annoyed.

I grinned and winked at him. "No promises."


"Alright, girls," I laughed, hugging each of them as they left. "You all be careful now."

Johanna, giving flirty eyes to Victor, simply gave me a fluttery wave.

I couldn't bring myself to hate Johanna, though. Probably because she was confident, and I liked confident girls. I was never the jealous type. I watched her trail her hand along Logan's chest, and felt deep satisfaction in the lack of emotion I felt at the sight. Even with Victor, I felt just a twinge of possessiveness. Logan wasn't mine, though. I felt no claim over him.

"Well," Finn groaned, stretching his arms over his head. "Quite the day, huh?"

I punched him in the shoulder as I entered the house again, Victor and Logan trailing behind me. "Indeed."

We plopped down across from each other on the couch, and I gave a heavy sigh. "Well, Finn. What do you think?"

"I think the cat's died and my house stinks."

Code for this is a risky plan, and he doesn't like how suspicious it is.

"Yeah well, not like we can bury it out back," I replied in a dry tone.

Code for we ain't got much choice.

"Yeah, but we can still cover up the smell."

Code: We could take a little bit to hammer out the details.

"What good would that do?" I muttered. "It's already in the carpets."

Code: Ike already knows where I am.

"Yeah, but-,"

"Code talk!" Victor and Logan snapped at the same time.

I glanced at them, both looking as perplexed as my mom when I threw a tampon at her when I was fifteen - that was code that she was being a big fat PMSing ragemonster and needed to chill.

"Guys, calm down," I said, wishing I had a tampon to throw at their foreheads, "Not like it's anything important to you guys anyway."

Victor sighed. "Geez, you guys and your code talk. How long did it take to concoct this secret language of yours?"

"Black mustang," I muttered absently, reaching for my half-water tea.

He let out a growl that made shivers run down my spine.

"Ooh, I love night time," I grinned.

Code: I like it when you're angry.

"Jane!" He snapped, and I smiled innocently, batting my eyelashes.

"Yes, honey-bear?"

"Don't call me random names," He narrowed his eyes. "Speak in a language I understand."

"Aw, but night time is so fun."

"Night time is about to throw you out the window," He threatened, his hand gripping my elbow.

Night time was about to do something, and it didn't involve a window. It involved a lot of lip, and a lot of tongue. My stomach tightened as I gave him a dangerous smile. His golden eyes turned molten as they glanced down at my lips.

We both blinked as a throat cleared. I looked up in surprise, forgetting that we had company. Logan wasn't looking at us, but out the window, and Finn was shaking his head.

"Buy a ticket," He muttered.

Code: get a room.

My cheeks turned ten shades of red, as I smacked Victor in the arm just because I had nothing else to do, and cleared my own throat.

"So," I announced, a little too loudly. "The plane's landed?"

Code: we're all in agreement?

In the corner of my eye, I watched Victor narrow his own at me.

"It's headin' fer' the jet bridge," He sighed.

Code: I suppose I have no choice.

"Good," I grinned. "That's that."

"I don't even know what "That," is," Logan mumbled, eyes mystified as he stared ahead at nothing.


Hey guys.

Yeah, it's me. SURPRISE SURPRISE. So sorry this chapter took so long. I've had college bogging me down, not to mention these past few months have been BUSAY and then writers block came to save the day, AKA ruin it. So yeah. Ugh.

Anyway, LOVE YOU GUYS. HOPE YOU ENJOYED. See you next chapter, which will hopefully be sooner rather than THREE MONTHS LATER. ugh.

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