Chapter 40: Initiate Plan

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Hiro POV: My skin crawled a bit as Wasabi took his position. A purple man rose out of the ground, he could move but after he got out of his range we would have to be ready to fight. The hologram moved towards the podium, and started to call out the fireman. I popped some purple fireworks, that way it would look like he had some power. "Right on time." I said to Gogo. A bright flame was moving quickly towards our stage, with him was a man riding on vines obviously the user of Jakes gloves. They stopped at the building overlooking the stage, before then jumping down to join the crowd. They moved through the crowd pretty easily, everyone was getting their space from this flaming man. When he got up to the front he shot a ball of flame right at our hologram. It fell and Wasabi hit the bottom of the stage to correlate with the fall. The man took the stage and started speaking. "NO ONE CHALLENGES ME." He then dropped the mic and tried to take the head of our hologram. 

This was our time. "Fred, Honey Lemon initiate step two." I spoke through the walkie talkie. I looked to the back of the crowd they were there. Lemon had started to throw some of her chemistry balls. Fred used a controlled fire breath shot to ignite them all. A thick smoke over took the crowd as they started to flee the area. "You ready Gogo?" I said looking over to her. She took a deep breath in and sighed. "As ready as i'll ever be." She said and put on her helmet. "You ready BayMax?" 

"I am a robot I am always ready." I laughed and got on BayMax's back. "Lets go then."

Gogo POV: I started skating down the ramp placed on the side of the stage. I jumped off the end and started riding up the vines that the other man had used to get here. They shred easily, but then he noticed. They became rock hard and my skates stopped cutting them. "No go Hiro, I cut a couple vines but he noticed." I looked up BayMax was dodging vines that the man sent up left and right. The fire man wasn't doing anything yet. Then he rose and started to throw fire at Hiro and BayMax. Maybe we focus the vine man now. "Me and Honey were caught." Fred's voice came over the line. Then there was Wasabi's scream. "I think I broke something! I can't walk on my left leg anymore a vine hit me!" 

 A vine grabbed me and incased me in a cage like structure. Me and the man rose to the height above the smoke. He then waved his hand as a vine encased Hiro and BayMax and pulled them to the ground. The smoke was just starting to clear. Hiro and BayMax were being held down by a thick patch of greens. "Hello Gogo, just wait when I deal with these punks and we can ride off into the sunset." I spit at him, it landed right on the shoulder of his coat. "Feisty thats what I like about you Gogo." He moved around on the vine platform he had made himself. 

"I like Hiro, if you kill him you take me too." He snickered a bit. "Then it will be such a shame when both of you are sleeping with the fishes." He brought a group of vines shaped like a mallet over Hiro and BayMax as it started to drive down.

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