Chapter 6: My Idiot

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Gogo POV: "When did you get up?" Hiro asked me as he sat next to my bed. "About an hour ago." "why didn't you tell me?" he responded. "Because you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you, you looked tired." "Because I am." we both started laughing.  I find it so amazing how sometimes the most tense and painful moments are also the best. "so I got coach to put us both on IR." "How?" i asked puzzled. I looked at Hiro he didn't look hurt, until I saw his hand. "what happened?" "earlier when I caught that Touch down I was nailed with a late hit my hand landed under my body awkwardly, I broke it sadly, the only good part was i got to ride in the ambulance with you because of it." I hadn't realized he rode in the ambulance with me. "You idiot." I said to him I know why he stayed, so he wouldn't look weak in front of me. He stuttered, obviously he knew i was mad why else would i be yelling at him so much.   "I.I.I.I stayed for you." he said. " I didn't want you to leave me." I punched him in the shoulder then pulled him in and gave him a kiss. A long kiss. "Your an idiot but your my idiot."

Hiro POV: She kissed me, she actually kissed me!!! I can't believe it she releases my head, and says "your an idiot but your my idiot." Gogo looked amazing even after getting her number rung, and in a hospital garb. Aunt Cass suddenly walked in bringing coffee and biscuits. I grabbed a coffee and so did Gogo. aunt Cass sat down, "Gogo how are you doing?" "Fine but Hiro broke his hand." i actually looked down my hand hurt but I got over it. Gogo was the one in the real pain. Aunt Cass stood up "ow" she said. Baymax instantly inflated, "I will scan you now, you have bones broken in your left hand, you should have a cast." baymax made me a make shift cast. Then he went over to Gogo. "scan complete, diagnosis concussion recommendation rest." "Amen Baymax." Gogo said as she dozed off. Aunt Cass exited the room "Have a good rest Hiro, and by the way she's a keeper." I processed that, did aunt Cass know about the kiss? No she couldn't have. That was a problem for tomorrow though i was just happy to be with Gogo, and as long as I have her I will always be happy.

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