Chapter 8: Almost Perfect

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Gogo POV: I had just been released from the hospital. Hiro had stayed the whole time. Jake had came by too say hi, but that was about it. It had primarily been me and Hiro. Not that i minded we talked and played games, just having fun. We were walking out his hand brushed by mine and we both blushed. "oh..." he said. "its ok." deep inside i felt butterflies in my stomach. "Sooooo." he said. "want to come to a place i go to from time to time?" "Hiro Hamada did you just ask me on a date?" he looked sad again. "you don't....."  "yes" I cut him off. I didn't want to make him do his whole you don't have to speech we started walking, I was looking for my bike but aunt Cass apparently took it back to my house. Already she was looking after me like a family member. The walk wasn't long but my heart dropped when we arrived at the place. It was a karaoke cafe. I couldn't sing for the life of me, this was going to be a train wreck.

Hiro POV: I had enjoyed spending the day with Gogo, I hoped that this would be the icing on the cake. "so Gogo what do you think?" Gogo eyed up the place looking at the kind of college feel about the place. "well it wasn't exactly what I expected you to bring me to I thought it was going to be a underground bot fighting ring." I was kind of disappointed that she thought I would bring her to a place like that. "isn't this better?" she look at me and thought for a while. "Without my bike yup, but i would like to see you fight one day." I couldn't believe my ears. A girl wanted to see me bot fight, this was a dream come true. Gogo was honestly my soul mate. Don't be stupid Hiro, you have only felt like this about her for about one year. You aren't even dating yet. We walked into the cafe. Hipsters stood around downing coffee,I approached the barista, "two coffees and 10 karaoke songs please." I handed her the money it was only about 25 dollars, betting on bot fighting may be illegal but oh so lucrative. When we sat down we had to wait about 10 minutes, the other couple on stage still had about 3 or so odd songs left. You could tell it was a hippy bar because all their songs were very modern feeling and a lot of them were about the earth. I looked down at the table Gogo's hand was intwined in my good hand. My eyes transitioned from her hand to her face. It was almost perfect, she noticed me and smiled, NOW it was perfect.

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