Chapter 38: The Plan

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Hiro POV: I knew that the stop watch Gogo gave me was from the mysterious people associated with the old man, or whatever he was. There was just no way that we had both gotten something with the same engraving, the odds were just so small that it was almost impossible. Whatever they were they definitely not from this world. "Whoa slow down Hiro." I said to myself. "They aren't aliens." 

I flipped the watch up, it would move 5 seconds forward then reset it's self back 5 seconds prior. Did I dare press the button on top? No I was told to save it and that's what I was going to do. I swiped my hand in front of the screen in front of me. A plan popped up. It showed the fiery man and right next to him there was a electric man. Then there was the fact that we were probably going to have to fight the user of Jakes gloves. The vines could be immune to anything, as long as the user thought about it. That means anything that we throw at it may not be enough. The plan was pretty simple, we co-ordinate with the town and use a hologram of the lightning man. Hopefully this challenge of power will be  enough to draw whoever or whatever the fireman was. From there we follow him back to where he is holding Jake. Fight the user of the gloves and hopefully defeat him by tricking him into preparing for one attack while we do another. It was simple in theory, but so was BayMax. The only difference was is that we didn't have 84 tries before it had to work. It had to work on the spot no questions asked. It may be a long shot but it was all I had to run off of. I looked at the clock it was already 3 in the morning. Did I really want to save Jake? He did hit on my girlfriend. 

No. We had to save Jake, thats why we formed Big Hero 6. I was up already moving over to Tadashi's little weight corner in the garage. What had I become? I couldn't drop down to the same level as Krei or Robert. I punched the wall. "Tadashi wouldn't want me to go this low." I said a tear escaping my eye.

"Honey someones here to see you." Aunt Cass had stuck her head through the door. "Tell them that I don't want to talk right now." I was still facing the wall, but the perfume still hit me. It was Gogo's, she did wear perfume it just wasn't the strongest. Though over the past few months I got a scent for it. 

"Are you OK nerd?" I turned around. "I don't know, I mean Jake hit on you do we really want to save him? Would Tadashi be proud of me if I didn't?" This time she pulled me into a hug and started stroking my head. "I know for a fact that Tadashi was very proud of you, you were all he talked about at school you know? he would brag about you all the time. Don't feel guilty Hiro, just like Dmc every angel has a demon and every demon has an angel."

She pulled her coat off exposing her air tattoo of rebellion. Then took my shirt off to reveal my yamato tattoo. "Just like devil may cry." I said. we touched our tattoos together. 

Gogo: "There is nothing to be guilty about. you just have to control that." He looked at himself. Then to his computer. "Want to see my plan?" I laughed at that Hiro actually calmed down when he had work to do. 

"OK." I knew I would have to see it eventually. It was pretty well thought out. I mean if I were a fire man and someone challenged me I would come out to fight. "Gogo you have to see this." He pulled out the stop watch that I had given him. "It keeps going back five seconds." I took it and examined it. "Weird." I said almost in shock. He put it back in his pocket. Then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the cafe area. The moon was shining through the windows illuminati the room. "it sure is pretty." Hiro said. "But wait till you see the roof." He pulled me up to the roof, two lawn chairs were already set up there. "Some nights me and Tadashi would sit up here for hours and just watch the stars." I sat down on one of the lawn chairs. "After Tadashi died me and Aunt Cass would come up here, not nearly as frequently and for as long as me and Tadashi used to." It truly was beautiful, you could see all the stars over San Frasokyo from up here. 

"I never knew that you liked stars so much Hiro Hamada." he laughed a bit and looked over to me. "Not many people do, When we drove off the dock I made sure to look up at the stars incase it was the last thing I saw. That way the last thing I could see was the thing me and Tadashi loved so much." It was so sad the way these stars held memories for Hiro. "But then I learned that every star that we see is actually dead and it's just the time it takes for light to travel to earth, thats why we see them. I'd much rather look at the brightest star." I was confused. Didn't he just say that every star we see is dead?

"And what star is that?" I questioned.

"You." Hiro said. I turned to face him and he started playing with my short hair. "Hiro I love you, for the first time ever I actually love someone." He smiled, I loved that smile. There was nothing on earth that could replace that smile for me. "Same here Gogo, There is no one that could replace you. I would give anything to be with you. If it was my life or yours I would give up mine." I let out a little twitch I don't know what i'd do without Hiro. He gave me a constant, he wouldn't leave me, he would always be there. 

We sat outside for the rest of the night counting stars and telling each other what we like about us until we fell asleep. We didn't have much in this life so far but we had each other, and thats all we needed. 


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