Chapter 22: Working And BayMax Malfunctions

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Gogo POV: As expected Aunt Cass put me too work. She put it as a "family connection." she must have thought me and Hiro were going to up and marry right on the spot. I couldn't even think of marriage, not that I didn't like Hiro. It's just a sixteen year old has things higher on the priority list than to get married. I started  off working behind the counter, but that didn't last long. Aunt Cass had basically said I lack personality, in a nicer way. so here I was sweeping floors. While Hiro talked to people and made jokes as he slung coffee and other caffeinated drinks. I mean it would explain why the coffee he made at my house was amazing. Hiro had practically grown up here, so had Todashi. Man did I ever miss him. He was my first real crush then I met his younger brother Hiro, and then my whole world changed forever. I was startled when I heard BayMax coming down the stairs. He was saying "Todashi is here" and calling for Hiro. Hiro had noticed and ran to BayMax. "Buddy I miss todashi too but he's dead." The robot kept on "Todashi IS here." I knew that Hiro might need my help so I dropped  my broom off behind the counter, and went to go help Hiro. 

Hiro POV: I was trying to calm BayMax down he hadn't had an outburst this bad ever. Gogo came to help me and together we pushed him up the stairs. When we brought him to the charging station he wouldn't shrink. Just pointing out the window and saying "Todashi is here." Out of pure curiosity I looked out the window. A bright red figure was flying across the sky headed towards city hall. "um Gogo you might want to see this." I said motioning her over. She looked out the window in pure shock.  BayMax was right behind us. "Todashi is here." he said. I knew deep down he might be right. "Thats not todashi BayMax. But we'll follow him regardless. Gogo call the others." 

My Idiot (a hirogo fan fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon