Chapter Eighteen

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"What do you mean marry? As in marriage? Husband and wife?" I asked in disbelief.

"I mean obviously not now, she picked out Lydia for me. She's my moms best friends daughter and my mom wants me to marry her when I'm 21." He told me walking back into the garden.

" you plan on marrying her?" I asked a little concerned with the answer. He can't let his mother control him like that, call me old fashioned, but, marriage is a very strong bond and you have to love someone unconditionally to commit to marriage.

"Well, in all honesty no, but if I don't have someone by then I guess it wouldn't hurt to try things with Lydia." He shrugged sitting down on the grass again as I followed.

"So...I mean do you like her in that way at all?" I asked.

"Well she can be clingy but she's incredibly sweet, and she's really beautiful, I wouldn't say that I like her, but if I spent enough time to get to know her better I could definitely come around to it." He told me picking the grass infront of him.

"Oh." Was all I said as I looked down at my hands in my lap.

"I've always got you for now." He smiled and I looked up at him.

"Is that what I am? The guy you keep around in case you and Lydia don't work?" I asked sadly and angrily.

"No, of course not. Your here now and if we should ever not be together in the future then I'll move on with my life, it might not be Lydia or maybe even a girl, what happens happens." He told me.

Now I couldn't deny that he had a point.

"We're together?" I asked in a small voice trying to hide my smile.

"Well I- no, I- I just meant if... I don't know." He sighed.

"Your so cute when you panic." I laughed.

"Shut up." He threw grass at me.

"What are we then Brendon?" I asked reluctantly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Are we just friends or... Are we more than that?" I asked nervously playing with my fingers to avoid eye contact.

"I mean I think we both know we're past friends." He chuckled.

"Yeah." I said keeping the conversation going.

"Well... Do you want us to be more?" He asked.

"Do you?" I asked. I don't want this to be a one sided thing.

"Yeah." He admitted.

"Well I guess we're...-"

"Boyfriends?" Brendon cut me off.

"Boyfriends." I nodded, shuffling forward so I could kiss Brendon.

"Y'know, I would rather have you over Lydia any day." He smiled at me.

"I'm glad to hear that." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I wanna be this happy forever." Brendon mumbled as he leaned over and kissed me while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We should probably go inside, its gonna get dark soon, and my mom doesn't like it when I'm up past 11." He sighed and helped me up from the grass.

"Brendon... I know that you love your mom a lot, and from what I saw she doesn't give you enough attention, but you've always got me." I told him quietly before he began walking.

He stood still for a while and mumbled a "thanks" before he started to walk into the house.

I didn't want to say too much about the topic knowing well that I would end up crossing a boundary, and I didn't want to ruin a newly formed relationship with the guy I had a huge crush on.

I followed him in and grabbed my bag from the living room, taking it upstairs with me.

Brendon didn't go up the attic stairs when I reached the top of the stair case. He walked through the corridor and knocked on a door before stepping inside.

Brendon POV

I knocked on my moms door and opened it softly.

"How many times do I need to tell you to not come into this room. It's my office, not for playing around in." She said with an annoyed sigh.

"Sorry... I just wanted to say I'm heading up to bed now." I said softly.

"Mhm. Remember you can't go to school tomorrow because the Slaid's are coming to see us. I expect you to keep your friend on his best behavior while Lydia and her parents are here. It's very important you make as many good impressions as possible. " She hummed, meaning she wasn't listening.

"Well, uh, night." I mumbled before closing the door and wandering back up the corridor.

When I got into my room Ryan was already in his bed sitting up slightly doing nothing in particular.

I went to the blow up mattress and began putting my bedding in place.

"You can sleep on the bed." I heard Ryan mumble.

"What was that?" I asked turning around.

"I said, you can sleep on the bed. It is king sized." He shrugged a little.

I smiled and got into the bed beside him.

"Do you not wanna change?" He asked and I realized I was still in my clothes.

"Oh, uh, yeah." I nodded and srtood up.

I took off my jeans and left myself in my boxers and shirt.

I crawled back onto my bed and into the covers with Ryan giggling at me.

When I saw how adorable and beautiful Ryan really was, it did make me think twice about Lydia. Sure I could marry her, but I don't think I could see how special she is like I do with Ryan.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I hate that my mom thinks I'm incapable of making my own decisions.

I put my arm around Ryan and he chuckled pulling me toward him.
I blushed as his head went to my chest and he put his arms around me.

"Night night princess Ryro." I mumbled and laughed to myself.

Till next time Killjoys.

It Was Always You Falling For Me [Ryden] (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now