Chapter Six

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Me and Brendon were half way through the last class of the day: Art.

Mr.Way was the coolest teacher ever. He was so funny and chill. He was nice and fair and that was why we, his students, were quiet when he asked or followed orders. 'Cause we had respect for him.

We were listening to him talk about shading and, y'know, art stuff.

Once we were set something to do Brendon passed me a note.

It read:

'Come to my house after school?'

I grabbed my pen and scribbled down a 'sure' and handed it back to him.

Mr.Way looked at me and rolled his eyes.

See, cool teacher.

I followed the instructions on the board.

'Draw something that expresses the way you feel at this moment and show the emotion.' I thought for a second.

How do I feel right now? Sad? Excited? Bored? I guess I felt okay. I wasn't too excited but I wasn't sad so I guess I was...Okay.

I picked up my pencil and my sketch book. Time to draw.

Once I finished my drawing I closed my sketch book and looked over at Brendon who looked extremely frustrated.

I gave him a puzzled look when he glanced at me and he held up his picture which not to be rude looked....Well....Crap.

I chuckled a little and walked over to him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I can't draw." He sighed.

"I mean it's not that bad." I tried to convince him. He glared at me and I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, maybe it is a little....Bad." I admitted.

"Let me see yours." He demanded.

I walked to my desk and grabbed my sketch book handing it to him.

He stared at my drawing in awe.

"Ryan, this is amazing!" He gushed.

"Thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

I had always loved art, and people told me I had a talent but I never took their word for it.

Just as I was about to help Brendon with his disastrous piece of art the bell rung making me jump back in surprise.

Brendon sighed and closed his sketch book. I went back to my desk and gathered all my things.

Once Mr. Way told us we were free to go me and Brendon left making our way to our lockers. I got my stuff and met Brendon outside where he was standing talking to Spencer.

Spencer smirked once he saw me and whispered something to Brendon that I couldn't hear. What are they talking about?

I approached them and Spencer said

"It's now or never." And left. What the hell are they talking about? I gave Brendon a puzzled look and he looked around nervously.

"Hey, uh, I was just w-wondering if y'know, you, um....Never mind." He sighed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's....Nothing." He shrugged.

Brendon POV

I was waiting for Ryan when I saw Spencer approach me.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey." He smirked.

It Was Always You Falling For Me [Ryden] (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now