Chapter Fourteen

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"Were you on the phone back there?" I asked as we began walking down the road.

"N-no. Why do you ask?" She asked a little nervously.

"Nothing. I just heard you talking." I shrugged pretending not to know anything.

"Oh, uh, that was probably just me singing." She laughed brushing it off.

Well now I know I can't trust her.

"Where are we going anyways?" She asked.

"I don't know, where ever the road takes us. An adventure." I shrugged.

"Wow, Ryan, your so hipster." She laughed making me chuckle along.

"Shut up." I laughed.

After a few minutes of silence she spoke up.

"About last night..." She said awkwardly.

"I, uh, just forget about it." I said awkwardly picking up my walking pace.

"No, look, Ryan I want to talk about this." I span around and stopped walking to face her.

"There's nothing to talk about." I told her and continued walking again.

"Ryan, I-I like you!" She blurted out making me stop dead in my tracks.

"What?" I turned round again.

"I said...I said I like you." She said not making eye contact with me.

"You know I'm gay, and you have a boyfriend." I said in disbelief.

"I know.... But I like you." She blushed.

"Why would you say that? I'm gay, you have a boyfriend, and we barely know each other. How did you expect this to end Georgia? With me telling you I like you too and we live happily ever after? Because that's not how it works, I'm gay, I will never ever like you that way." I told her and began walking again.

"I just thought that...if I told you you'd understand." She said sadly.

I didn't turn back to say anything and kept walking straight ahead.

I knew I was being a bit overdramatic and over reacting by 100% but I was in a bad mood to begin with. She's been behind my back. She has plans to take me out.

I kept walking until I couldn't hear her foot steps behind me.

I turned round slowly. Nothing.

"Georgia?" I said looking around.

"Georgia?" I called louder when I didn't see her anywhere.

I sighed. Fuck it. Who cares anyway, she probably hates me now.

I took one last look and after still no sight of her I turned round and started walking again.

I stopped when I noticed where I was. I was by the school gates. Maybe I could just go in and pretend I had been sick all morning?

After all, what else do I have going on?

I stepped into the school and walked towards the main building.

When I got inside the lady at the front desk looked at me.

"I need to sign in, I was sick this morning." I told her.

"Do you have a note?" She asked bitterly.

"No." I shook my head.

"Then I'll have to call your parental guardian." She said plainly.

"Oh, uh, no- I'll go to the principal and have him call them." I said right as she went to pick up the phone.

She grumbled and returned to her computer.

I walked towards my third class which started 5 minutes ago.

When I got to the class I opened the door and came in slowly.

"Ah, Mr. Ross, your late." The old teacher commented.

"Sorry." I mumbled and sat down in my usual seat.

I knew Brendon was at the back staring at me but I ignored his eyes that were burning into the back of my head and continued to pretend I was paying attention to the class.

The lesson dragged on with the teacher talking about stuff I really couldn't understand how would be relevant in the future. When the bell finally went I quickly left the class before Brendon could talk to me.

I made it to the cafeteria and looked for Patrick. He was sitting with Pete and eating a salad.

I went up to their table and sat down.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hey Ryan." Pete smiled.

"Hey." Patrick said quietly.

"Brendon's looking for you." Pete told me.

"Why did he ask you where I am?" I asked.

"Nope, he's over there." I could see Brendon looking around the cafeteria and calling my name.

"Shit." I muttered and got up.

"I'll catch you guys later." I sighed and the talked over to him.

"Ryan! There you are, where have you been all morning?" He asked me as I began to walk out the cafeteria with him following.

"I came in late, doesn't matter, what do you need?" I asked.

"Um, well, I just wanted to check in you cause y'know," he pointed to the faded bruises on my face "and your my friend so I wanted to make sure your all good." He said awkwardly.

"I'm fine Brendon." I smiled at him a little and he grinned back.

"Do you wanna come by my house later?" He asked hopefully.

I considered it for a while. What about Georgia? Oh who am I kidding? She's probably never gonna wanna see me again after what I said.

"Sure." I smiled.

I needed to go talk to Spencer about philosophy because I was failing that class so I quickly hugged Brendon and began in walking down the hall.

"Uh, Ryan, one more thing." Brendon said making me turn around to face him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I broke up with Dallon." He smiled.

"Wow, uh I'm sorry." I said trying to hide my smile.

"Its okay." He smiled and walked away.


Sorry this chapters ate I got a lot going on and also sorry its short but y'know.

I'm like 3 reads away from 1k which is insane so thank you guys so much for reading this badly written story! Anyways be ready for the next chapter guys because your gonna love it!

Stay weird.

Till next time killjoys

It Was Always You Falling For Me [Ryden] (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now