Chapter One

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I hated starting new schools, the feeling in the pit of your stomach that made you cringe and clench your hands into fists from the uneasy feeling.

I ignored the stares and whispers as I entered and went to my locker.

"Emo!" Someone shouted making the hall erupt in laughter as I tried to ignore the attention I was gaining.

I put my stuff in my locker and began walking through the halls to find my first class: music.

I walked around until I finally found the music department and the room I was in.

Once I stepped in I realized I was pretty late, shit. All eyes landed on me as I awkwardly stood there.

"Ah, I see you finally decided to show up to my class." The old music teacher said with a sarcastic smile.

"But," he sighed dramatically.

"I'll let you off, newby." He smirks and turned back to the board.

I walked quietly to the back of the class and sat alone in the corner. That's it Ryan, your social skills are flawless.

I blank out whatever the old music teacher was saying and take out my notebook, doodling aimlessly. The perks of being an antisocial loser.

After a while the bell rang and I sigh in relief.

I wait for everyone to leave the room before leaving and finding my next class: math.

Once I had found my math class, with great difficulty might I add, I saw the most beautiful guy I have ever seen in my life across the class room.

I sighed knowing,

1) He is waaaaaay out of my league.


2) He is probably straight as hell.

Either one is upsetting.

But there's always 3, I don't like him.

He had ear length brown hair and beautiful big lips that looked so goddamn kissable.

He was sitting next to a guy with glasses who looked kinda nerdy and had honey blonde hair.

I never believed in love at first sight, and I'm not starting now, but if I liked guys liked him that opinion could change. But I mean, him? No thanks.

God, guys like him have the looks, the girls hanging off him, not what I'm looking for. And he's probably a popular dick. I miss my old school; where I actually had a fw friends.

Maybe if it weren't for that goddamn job transfer then I wouldn't have to be here: Veges.

Thanks, mom.

Being the new kid is horrible, everyone targets you, even the younger kids, but their easily scared.

But then again, when have people not targeted me? I'm what they call the loser, nerd, emo, faggot, pussy, girl, worthless, fat, ugly. You name it, I've probably been called it.

To be fair I should have seen the emo coming. I wear eyeliner and band shirts along with skinny jeans. But, that doesn't make me a fan of good music to them. To them I'm just Ryan Ross the emo.

I was snapped out off my thoughts by the middle aged teacher asking me a question.

"Um, I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?" I asked as politely as possible.

"What does X equal if the square root is 364?" She asked impatiently.

"Uh, um, I don't know." I slumped into my chair.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but one person in particular made me feel nervous. The cute boy that was a no go.

I turned my head when all the other students had looked away except for the cute no go.

He turned away not bothering to cover up the fact he just stared ar me for over a minute. I did however notice a small smile on his lips which made me smile a little.

Damn it Ryan! Pull yourself together. Stop looking at him. He's a popular dick (probably) and you know deep down you hate him! I cursed myself under my breath and began doodling in my math book.

I saw a slutty looking ginger girl in front of me putting on the most vibrant pink lipstick I've ever seen. Cringe. I tore my eyes away from her and saw the cute no go staring at her with adoration and love in his eyes. wait, what?

Maybe he's like in love with her or something? Whatever, who cares? It's none of my business anyway.

I felt myself hating the ginger slut more and more by the second with the cute no go staring at her like she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. Not that I cared about him but she just looks like a huge slut.

Okay, I shouldn't really hate her considering she had done nothing wrong, but damn was her sluttiness and flirty smiles annoying me.

She was sitting with her back against the wall and winking at the cute no go to which he smirked at. Wait, was I missing something?

She kept flipping her hair and giggling while the blonde beside her rolled her eyes and jot down stuff into her book. At least someone else finds her presence extremely sickening and annoying.

I swear to god if she pouts one more time or plays with her hair I will smite bitch.

I bet she's popular too. Ugh. That's another person that will hate me; if she ever notices me that is, 'cause right now she seems too caught up on flirting with the no go.

I heard the bell ring, which made me snap out of my daze about how much the slutty ginger should go home and never leave her house again.

I waited for everyone to leave and noticed the blonde girl who was next to the ginger slut also waiting for people to leave. Interesting.

I grabbed my bag and got up walking down in between the row of seats, before I could even reach the door the blonde girl stood up nearly making me trip over her.

I let out an inhuman noise and balanced myself, while I'm sure I was blushing like crazy.

The blonde girl turned around and i noticed a nose ring that I didn't notice before.

She looked at me for a while before blushing a little and smiling; showing her nice white teeth.

"Sorry 'bout that." She said making me notice her thick Australian accent.

"it's okay." I shrugged.

"Ryan." I held out my hand for her to shake, which she did.

"Jenna." She smiled.


Hey, so first chapter. I'm trying harder with my grammar and spelling in this fic after my Kellic one. I really hope you like it, I'm going to try and update on a specific day every week but I'm not sure which day that will be yet. Any who I hope that this story doesn't suck. This story will be in Ryans POV unless stated otherwise.

Til next time Kill joys.

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