Chapter Twenty Two

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Two Months Later

Harry's POV
  I woke up to a text message from Niall.

Nialler❤️: Hey Haz, just wanted to tell you today Luke and i are going to the doctors to check on the twins want to come? If you do the it's on Blue Moone Street, you know near Denny's?

Harry: Of Course what time?

Nialler❤️: 12:35

Harry: I'll be there

I shower and get dressed into a black shirt and black tight jeans with boots. I grab my keys and my phone and drove off. I get a text from Marcel.

Marc: Harry i got news to tell you!

Harry: what is it?

Marc: Melissa said Yes!

Harry: Congrats Marc!! Are you telling mom?

Marc: Yea tonight at olive Garden are you coming?

Harry: Yea! Hey gotta go I'll text you later!

Marc: Ok later!

Harry: Bye

I headed to the hospital.

Once I arrived I walked in, I saw Louis and Zayn and some teenager sitting down.

"Hey guys"

"Hey harry"

"Hey Man"

"Who's this?"

"Oh our son Vincent"

"But you can call him Vince"

"Oh nice you two adopted"

They nodded

"Hi Sir my name is Vince" said the blonde boy as he stood up and stretched his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand a smiled.

"Prepare yourself for a crazy life kid" i laughed.

"Oh I'm used to it" he smiled.

"So where is Niall?"

"He's inside there just wait a minute we just called Luke he's coming"

I felt my blood boil, He's here? With Niall? Why is he here? He isn't the father! He's a boyfriend only parents are suppose to be here!

I shook it off.

"Ok cool, do I just wait?"

As on cue the door opened to reveal Luke.

"Hey Harry!"

"Hi Luke"

We headed inside and I saw Niall laying on a bed thing.

"Hey Ni" i smiled

"Hey haza" he said smiling back at me.

Thirty minutes passed and we were done with our appointment.

"Here is your copy Harry" said Niall as he hugged me and left.

"Bye" I whispered.

I walked to my car only to be hit in the head, I couldn't tell who it was but it looked like..... Kylie.

I stood up and next thing I knew she kissed me! She hit my head again and carried me into her car.

Hurt (Narry Storan)(BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now