Chapter Six

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It has been three days since Harry broke Marcel's arm. And no one has heard from him. Marcel had gotten a cast on his broken arm, and has been living with Ella and Melissa since. Niall has been living with Zayn.

Zayn's House

"Zayn, i have a question to ask you"


"What happened to you and Perrie?, i've been here for days and you haven't talked about her, called her or even hang out with her"

"Niall... Perrie and I broke up"


"She was pregnant and she had an abortion"

Zayn was crying now, Niall sat by him and hugged him.

"Why did she?"

"When she told me, i asked why, she told me she didn't want me to leave her. And i don't know why she would say that. Until, one day the doctor called I asked him, Why perrie came in privately and He told me that the baby wasn't mine-- It was Michael"


Zayn nodded.

"I confronted Perrie and she asked for forgiveness and i called off our engagement and we broke up"

Niall still didn't let go.

"And t-to be ho-honest I think i'm Gay"

Harry's House
Harry's POV

I can't believe it! I'm a monster! I mean losing Niall, Hurting Marcel. What's next?? I'm gonna be a father to some slut i cheated on Niall with?!

I looked at the clock 8:00 pm, Perfect i thought i went over to my razor blade and cut. Blood drew, it flowed out. I inhaled and cleaned up. I watched some T.V. and drifted off. Dreaming to have my sweet Niall back in my arms.

I remember I used to sing softly into his ear when he was asleep. I used caress his skin when he felt nervous or was cold. Going shopping with him on the weekends. Seeing his face light up whenever i mentioned food. His laugh, that would always lightened up my mood. Just Everything!

God, I would do anything to get Niall back. and that's what i'm going to do.
Ok so i heard the Louis is gonna be a dad news and i'm frustrated just like any any other directioner. I'm not saying the rumors are true but if they are and the woman does have a child we should support him. and it's not like he's gonna marry the girl just to help out with the baby Pay child-support and babysit. So not saying the rumors are true you have to wait for Louis to talk about it before we jump to conclusions so right now act as if everything is just the same wait until louis says something and then if he says it's true then we'll support him because we're directioners and that's what we do for him. so Until Louis says something stay calm if he says it's true we'll support him if it's not true then hey celebrate.

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