Chapter Twenty Four

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Harry Styles laid on his living room floor, blood coming from his head, he had been stabbed, he felt his head pounding, he felt broken all he could do was cry. Luke was right, he isn't worth it.

Niall's POV
I was at home watching Gotham and eating Chinese food when I heard Luke's car outside. He knocked on the door and I let him in.

"Hey Ni"

"Hey Lukey"

We kiss

"So how is your day?"

Luke asked me as he took my hand and guided me to the couch, he placed me on his lap.

He started to kiss my jawline and without any thought I let out a moan.

He chuckled "someone's happy"

I nodded and kissed his cheek.

We watched Gotham and he asked me "how are the twins?"

"Good,... I think they wanna see their dad..."

He looked at me

"Ok want me to go with you?"

"Yea, hey do you think Finn and Jack are good names for the twins?"

"Yea great actually why do you ask?"

"I think I might wanna change them"

"No don't! I have a question to ask you why name them Jack and Finn?"

"Well, back when I first started to date Harry, he had a cousin named Jack Finnegan(Magcon Fans know what I mean!) he had cancer and didn't make it he was like a brother or a son to me and when he passed away I cried for months, he was bullied a lot and I promised myself if I ever had a kid I would name them after him"


I Blushed and kissed his lips.

"Niall would you like to go out with me tonight?"

"Yes Luke what time?"


"Alright take me to the mall after though"

"Hahaha alright"

We kissed again and started to get ready for our date I just want to ask him Why was he texting Kylie and what does he want to do Harry?

Hurt (Narry Storan)(BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now