Chapter Two

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Niall's POV
I wake up in a hospital room. I'm wearing a hospital gown, i have dried blood under my nose, i feel weak and i have bruises all over me.

The T.V was on the MTV channel. Then, I hear someone yelling.

"I can't believe it! He isn't here! He almost killed Him and he doesn't bother to come! Honestly, why doesn't Niall break up with him?!"

I recognized that voice, it was my old Best Friend Ella.

Ella is very young, we met at the mall, this was before Harry started to abuse me. She made smart remarks to rude employees and I would laugh. She noticed my laugh and said she loved it! We ended up shopping together and became best friends! I'm twenty five and she's eighteen now. She is a sweet girl. Long brown hair, glowing tan, Big brown eyes, great fashion sense and a hell of a sense of humor! If I weren't Gay, i would date her, but she isn't Harry so..

"Where is your brother?!"

"Ella calm down!"

"I-i don't know we don't talk ever since he became the way he is!"

I remember those voices! They were Melissa and Marcel! Melissa is Ella's little sister and Marcel's girlfriend, Melissa is sixteen and Marcel is nineteen. Marcel is Harry's little brother. He is a good guy. He's smart, a good sense of humor, caring, and basically and adorable little nerd. Unlike Harry, Marcel has an american accent. Whenever, Harry talks in an american accent he sounds just like Marcel! Anyways, Harry is very cruel to Marcel, He calls him names and he used to fight with him. One day, when harry was eighteen and Marcel was fourteen, Harry hit him so hard that Marcel was in a coma for a week. Harry's parents took away everything he owned and gave it back to him in Winter.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by Ella.


She hugs me tight.

"Hey Ella I haven't seen you in months!"

"I know i meant to call-"

"Don't worry about it"

She smiled at me.

Melissa and Marcel walked in hand in hand.


"Hey Melli!"

We both hugged and Marcel stood Awkwardly behind her.

"Hey Marc!"

"H-hey Niall! Sorry about Harold"

"Don't worry"

We hugged also.

"So how did i get here?"

All three looked at each other.
Ella started.

"Marcel went to look for Harry to invite him to dinner, with both our families and you of course. And When he arrived he saw you on the ground covered in blood..."

"And i went to ask where you going Harry and he pushed me, hit me and told me to get lost. He left in his car and i haven't seen him since.. Then when he left i went inside and called 911. You were barley breathing... and The doctors said.."

"You were dead for five minutes Niall...." Finished Melissa.

"And Oh poor Marcy!" Melissa went and hugged Marcel, she kissed him rubbed his chest because Harry hit him there.

Ella rolled her eyes and continued

"When I see Harry i'm-"

"Hello Everyone"

It was Liam, Louis and Zayn.

"Hey guys"

We all exchanged hello's and hugs and we told them what happened with harry and Zayn looked mad.

Everyone was talking about revenge and stuff like that until the doctor came in and told them to wait outside.

I could still hear them making their plans. Then, I heard a woman scream!

"Niall where is my baby?!"


Next thing i knew my entire family was here. Of course they had to wait outside also.

"So Niall how are you feeling?"


"That's a good sign.... Niall has Harry ever hurt you before or is this the first time?"

"Actually..... He has hit me before, he-he calls me names, he cheats on me like everyday and i forgive him because I hope that one day he'll apologize.

"Niall, It's ok to say it's over with him you know"


"Will he hit you if you leave him?"

"No, but he makes me feel bad about myself"

"Alright, we'll talk tomorrow we'll give you five minutes and you can see everyone."

"Alright Thank You"

"No problem good night

"Good night"

End of POV

Two hours later

Everyone had gone home and have all agreed to see Niall the next morning, Marcel stayed with Ella and Melissa because everyone thought Harry would try to get him.

Niall was just watching Ridiculousness, when he heard a thick british accent outside his door.

"I don't care i'm seeing him!"

Harry burst through the door, He had just taken a shower. His long hair still a little wet, he wore a button up shirt with the first three unbuttoned of course, tight jeans, and brown boots.

"Niall baby can you ever forgive me?!"

"N-no harry"


"You cheat on me! You make me feel like nothing! You beat me! I was DEAD for five minutes because of YOU harry!!"

"I missed up! But those are part of relationships!!"

"No! They are not! Marcel doesn't treat Melissa like this! He's your brother and he's a better boyfriend than you!"

"I know! Marcel is awesome he's adorable he's really smart! He's gonna make millions! He's gonna have a happy life! Don't tell me about Marcel i get enough of the crap whenever i'm at my mother's house!"

"Are you sure it's your mom's house you are always at?! Or Ed?!"

"Ok you know what! I LOVE you Niall Horan! Give me another shot!"

"No Harold! I'm done. i'm done with me being your doormat and i'm done with all the crap you give me!" I'm done with us!!"

"What do you mean?!" Asked Harry with tears in his eyes.

"We are over!"

Niall pressed the button for nurses and they called security and had them take Harry out.

Harry went home. He packed his things, all with tears in his eyes. He look at their white floor, Niall's blood was dried on it. Harry cleaned it up and left he took his car and drove to a hotel. Niall doesn't want him because he's most awful human being ever and he cannot blame him. He checked into the hotel. He cried and looked his hands, he beat niall with them, he strangled niall with them, he had pushed and slapped niall with them, He didn't even want to look at himself.

"He thinks i'm going to cheat on him again and hurt him" he sobbed

"But i'm not!!"

Harry quickly dozed off dreaming about Niall. He only wished Niall would have known that when he wasn't with him at the hospital earlier was because He had broken up with Ed.

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