Chapter 11 Part 2

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Marcel's POV
It's been days since I've seen Harry. I want him to know it's ok that he broke my arm. So today i'm going to visit him. I know its kind of late.. Who am I kidding? It's heck a Late! It's ten at night. And i'm driving to his house. My arm has healed, and Melissa is out with her sister to visit their Cousin.

As I arrived to Harry's place. It was dark. The lights outside were off and so was inside. I guess he's asleep. I knocked on his door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I scratched my head and remembered Harry always keeps an extra key in the out door light. So I opened the porch light, and I grabbed the key and opened the door.

As soon as I walk in I turn the lights on. I didn't see Harry anywhere. Then I saw the bathroom open with the lights on. I walked towards the bathroom to see a disturbing sight in front of me. Harry was passed out in the bathtub with LOTS of blood. It was everywhere!

I quickly dialed 911 and told them our address and what was happening.

I quickly picked up Harry's Phone which was on the counter and started to call Niall, i don't why but I just did.

He wasn't answering! The ambulance arrived and took Harry to a near hospital. I quickly called all our family and friends, and ran out to my car and drove off.

Niall's POV
After Harry left, Luke started to feel sick so I drove him to the hospital. It was pretty close it's ten pm and i'm tired. I let out a yawn and Luke awed.


"Your Yawn is so cute"

I blushed, I could tell he smiled. He grabbed my hand and held it. I smiled back at him

"I'm really sorry about Harry, i don't know why he was even here"

"It's ok Ni, He was mad to see you with someone else and I get that"

We started to talk about random things when we finally arrived. Dr. Rose saw Luke and I followed them in. When all of a sudden my phone started to vibrate I quickly headed into the lobby, to answer. Then I saw it was Harry. I ignored him. He called at least twelve times and finally gave up.

I headed back into the room to see Luke lying down with a band aids in his wrist.

Dr. Rose left us to talk when, Luke looked me in my eyes.

"Niall will you be my boyfriend?, i know this is the wrong time to ask but I can't imagine you getting hurt ever again, It gives me pain to know Someone hurting you again, And I really like you ever since Marc first introduced us in High School. But I do understand if you don-"

I kissed him, He was surprised but kissed back too. Our lips moved in sync, His hands traveling up and down my back and my arms wrapped around his neck. My hands found his hair and I started to tug at it. And Luke started to tug my shirt. We quickly stopped and Dr. rose came back in to tell us Luke has to stay for the night. Turns out Luke's left hand was fractured. He has bruises and cuts and bumps on his face and head.

"Does it hurt anywhere?" I asked

"Yea it mostly hurts here" he said as pouted out his lip and pointed. I gave him a quick peck.


"Yes, i'll be your boyfriend"

His face lit up, he jumped off his bed and kissed me again.

We made plans for tomorrow and maybe a double date with Zayn and Louis.

When we heard people rushing to the emergency room. Dr. rose ran over and pushed a man on a bed to the next room.

He was covered in blood! His hair had some dry blood in it and it was messy! His clothes also stained from blood, his face was pale, I guess he lost a lot of blood. He had dark circles around his eyes and his hands and wrists still bleeding leaving a trail of blood on the floor. Then I saw him closer....Oh My God!

It's Harry

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