Chapter Twenty Nine

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Niall's POV
I finished watching Vince's journey It was the final part of the video it was him with a wife beater and joggers. He shot it before he met Zayn.

"I promise I'm Fine" he smiled, he went to turn off the camera but didn't instead he broke down crying he grabbed the back of his head and just cried.

And the screen went black. My eyes were red and my nose was running. Then I realized I was in harry's arm. He was kissing my head and rubbed my back. I looked at him lovingly god I love this man that's when pain struck I started to cry more and Harry got worried.

"Are you ok baby?!"

"N-no Hazza, it-it hurts"

"I know it hurts that Vince is gone bu-"

"It hurts but it's not about Vince right now it's about the twins I think they are coming"

That's when my water broke.

Harry was scared I could tell, i can't remember anything that happened next.

I finally can think clearly I'm in the hospital i'm still in pain. Harry is asleep in the chair next to me. I looked around the room searching for a clock. When I finally found it, it was three in the morning. I felt such pain. Them the doctor came in.

"Niall it's almost time for you to push"


In that moment Harry woke up. He smiled

"Hey Babe" he said in his raspy voice after he takes a nap.

"Hey" i smiled and kissed him.

He kissed back, we started to talk about random stuff and he told me some of his lame jokes. I smiled cause they actually sound funny this time.

We hear yelling and sighed knowing it's Louis.

"I have arrived Peasants!"

We roll our eyes and Harry laughs.

Louis was obviously crying before he came in. His eyes were red, he wore a black Adidas outfit with a black hoodie and black joggers. His hair was messy but it still looked good he hasn't shaved, showing a little stubble.

Behind him was Zayn. Zayn wore black Adidas Joggers and a wife beater. His beard was shaved off and just like Louis his eyes were red and his hair was messy. Zayn sniffed

"Hey guys"

"Hey Zayn Hey Lou how are you two holding up?"

"We are doing pretty well now" answered Louis

"He's in a better place Lou" said Zayn as Lou started to tear up. Zayn picked up his weeping husband. And took him outside for five minutes until coming back in.

We talked about random stuff when the biggest pain I felt struck me! I cried and Harry got the doctor. Zayn went outside to call Liam and Lou called Ella. Marcel arrived ten minutes later then Liam and Ella did. Melissa got here too. She was asleep on Marc's lap with his arms wrapped around her waist. Ella was watching T.V and Liam was on his phone. Louis and Zayn were finally smiling again. But were still hurting.

"Ok Niall get ready"

After one hour my twins were born!

Jack Thomas Storan

Finn Caleb Storan

After I was done i was covered in sweat. Harry smiled at me with tears in his eyes. He whispered you did it. I smiled and felt his lips on mine gentle, sweet, soft, careful not hurt me. We got hold our sons, ten minutes later everyone came in. Louis and Zayn smiled, Melissa was gushing over the babies, Marcel was gobsmacked, Ella smiled at me and also gushed over the babies. Liam whispered something in her ear which made her blush, she playfully hit his arm but kissed him seconds later.

I held Jack and Finn before handing them off to get their shots and stuff like that.

"Niall, baby why don't you get some rest? I'll be here when you wake up" Harry told me as he kissed me again.

"Okay" i said as i drifted off with a smile on my face.

Three hours later

It was seven in the morning I heard babies crying and a voice trying to calm them down.

"Shh babies please calm down we don't want to wake your papa up!"

I looked over to see Harry with a worried look on his face. He smiled quickly and blew me a kiss. I blew one back and laughed. I grabbed Finn and helped him out. Finn and Jack ended up sleeping, Harry told me to hand him Finn and I did he showed me the kids they both had a small figure in their tiny hands Harry is helping them get a grip on it as he held the twins he got on one knee.

"Niall, i'm so sorry for the what i have done to you, I'm sorry for all the tears, the fights, the pain, everything. I love you and I know this is cliche me prospering when the kids are born but I really do Love you! And I want to be with you for many years! To make up for all of bad ones! I want more Happy years with you I want to see you smile, laugh, and nit be afraid I want us to be like how we were in High school, stupid kids running around school showing PDA and nor caring what anyone thought. Please Niall, Niall i promise i will never hurt you again I want to have many more kids with you! So Niall James Horan will you marry me?"

I was crying and nodded

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I screamed and kissed Harry. He was so gentle and passionate and he placed the ring on my finger. We stayed in the hospital bed all day like the family I have always wanted.

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