Small smiles spread across their faces as they made their way back to me. "I'll go make us lunch first" Eve announced.

I shook my head in disagreement. "I'll do it" I offered. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Thank you" I whispered softly. Feeling slightly awkward, I scurried out of the room. I would have never thought that the first time I leave the room would be to make food for the Royals. It's kinda weird.

I took a deep breath and started walking downstairs, to the kitchen. "Audrey" a voice called out. Recognized the voice, I sighed and continued my journey to the kitchen. "Audrey" the voice repeated.

"Leave me alone" I demanded. Walking to the fridge, I grabbed ingredients for sandwiches. I opened the cabinet to get bread, but someone slammed the door in my face. "Go away" I grumbled. I attempted to open the door, just for him to close it again. "I don't want to talk to you! Go away!" I shouted.

He frowned. "I didn't know. I swear, I didn't know that you knew him" he stated.

I shoved him away. Stupid sparks. "I don't care if you knew or not. Why did you do it? Did you just decide to beat the shit out of him because he's a witch? Did you just want to take your anger out on something? Or maybe, you haven't used that fucking torture room in a while, and you missed your toys" I sneered. With heavy breathing, I opened the cabinet and took out the bread.

"It wasn't any of that. I was protecting you" he stated. Protecting me? Angrily, I threw the bread on the counter with the rest of the ingredients.

Spinning around, I slapped him as hard as I could. "You protected me by torturing my best friend!" I shouted. "Because of you, he might never wake up! Because of you, I might never hear his voice again! Because of you, he's been laying on that fucking bed for three days!"

After snatching a butter-knife from the drawer, I started to make lunch. "Audrey" Thomas said softly. Screw him. He had three days to speak to me. He just told people to check on me, he never even came near me. He has no right to decide to speak to me now. It's his fault. He gently grabbed my wrist, stopping my actions. He pried the knife out of my hand. "I'm sorry" he muttered. I let out a sob and quickly wiped the tears that started falling. Thomas kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry" he whispered.

Sparks spread around my whole torso as I cried into Thomas' chest. "The day you tried running away from here, you bumped into me. I knew you were my mate. I knew who you were; but after the Queen told you about everything, we thought that you needed time to think" he explained. "Your friend was put in the room after you got out of the cellar. He was asking about you. Being a jealous dick, I beat him" he admitted. My crying stopped, but I continued to bury my face in his chest.

"He wouldn't answer any of our questions. He just kept telling us to let him see you" Thomas stated. "That's why I did it. I don't care if he's a witch. I didn't need to take my anger out on something. I didn't miss those weapons. I thought he was a threat. I thought that he would hurt you" he whispered.

I nodded and slowly pulled away from him. "I know that it might not mean anything, but I am really sorry" he said softly. "I'll leave you to your sandwich making" he stated before walking out of the kitchen. When he was completely gone, I let out a long breath.

"Screw lunch" I grumbled. I quickly walked to the living room, where I knew Jacobs would be. "Can we go on a run?" I asked.

He turned to look at me from his spot on the couch. "Sure. Are you okay?" he asked. I shook my head. "But you don't want to talk about it, right?" he guessed. I nodded. Jacobs sighed. "Let's go then" he mumbled.

We went outside; and I quickly shifted, tearing my clothes. Jacobs rolled his eyes at me before ripping his clothes as he shifted. I gave him a small nod before sprinting into the forest. I released all my stress by running.


Hours later, we made our way back to the pack house. During our run, Jacobs easily kept up with me, and we even played tag for a while. This probably is the most relaxed I've been since my birthday. Surprisingly, it's only been a little over a week since I turned 18. We got to the pack house and I turned away so Jacobs could shift.

After hearing the popping of bones, a piece of fabric was thrown at me. I set the shirt on the ground before shifting and slipping it on. The shirt had my mate's scent on it, and went down to my knees. "I'm really short" I thought aloud. I'm about 5'2", Thomas is at least 6'.

Jacobs nodded in agreement. "But good things come in small packages" he stated. I smiled as we made out way inside. I went into the guest room that Gardenia is staying in. Jacobs salvaged some of my clothes from my old house. I put my clothes in here, but I sleep in Keith's hospital room. I put on undergarments, then changed into grey sweats and a black crop top that said "#selfie".

Happily, I walked to Keith's room. "Hey, guys" I greeted Gardenia and David. I have no idea where Eve went, but I honestly wasn't expecting any of them to stay here. "Sorry, I really needed a run" I apologized.

Gardenia shook her head in a dismissive matter. "It's fine. We heard all the yelling. We didn't expect you to come back after that" she said hesitantly. I nodded. "The doctor came in. She took him off of the blood bag" she informed me.

I smiled gratefully at the both of them. "Thank you for staying with him" I said softly.

They nodded. "It was no problem" David said. "But I have to go now. Alpha business" he stated. We said quickly good-bye, then he left.

"I love your shirt by the way" Gardenia stated. "Where'd you get it?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Keith actually got it for me. It was a Christmas present" I said. He got me a selfie stick, several shirts that said "selfie", and he got me a phone with a better camera. Let's just say I was going through a selfie phase.

Gardenia smiled. "Did he get you something for your birthday?" she inquired. I frowned, but nodded. "Is it the necklace? You're always fiddling with it" she stated.

I shook my head. "He got me a guitar, but I have no idea where it is. My dad got me the locket" I carefully slipped the necklace off and opened it, so she could see the pictures. "That's Keith and my dad" I said quietly. Now that I know the truth, calling him my dad sounds kinda weird. "What'd you get for your birthday?" I asked.

"We got you back" she said with a smile. I raised an eyebrow. "We were kinda looking for you nonstop the week of our birthday. Gifts weren't exactly a priority for us" she said dismissively.

No gifts? "That is unacceptable" I said sternly. "You know what!" I exclaimed. "We're gonna have a birthday party for you, David, and me! Its gonna be fucking amazing, and you're gonna get a shit-load of gifts" I declared.

She chuckled and shook her head amused. "If you say so" she mumbled. "Who's invited?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Everyone?" I said, but it sounded more like a question. "That's actually a good idea! You and David didn't find your mates yet, so we can invite people from other packs. You might find your mate there!" I chirped.

Gardenia nodded. "Okay. But it has to be in a few weeks. There's a couple of things that we need to do first, and we need to give packs invites" she stated. I smiled.

"This will be the best birthday ever!"


Finally!!! I have wifi!!



I'm starting to do dedications again, so this chapter is dedicated to dreamingwish because of this comment at the top! So yeah...

Kayyyyzzzz Byeeezzzz


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