"Do you have any plans to talk to her?"

Yeah, I think I need to. Once she's back I am going to ask her point blank what's going on. God mom. I miss her so much. She fills this house with so much sunshine and laughter when she's here. Without her it's depressing and quiet."

"Oh honey, you two will work this out. I just know that you're made for each other."

I hope you are right, because I can't imagine my life without her in it. Letting Renee go was easy. Letting Liddy go will be impossible." I say as I hang my head.

"Have faith." She says as she gives me one of her famous hugs. "If she is your soul mate then you two will find your way back to each other."

"Thanks, mom. I love you."

"I love you, too Hunter."


Liddy's Pov

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask after the waiter leaves with our order.

"Hunter and what you plan to do?'

I sigh. "I'm not sure. The only thing I know for certain is that he and I will never have a future so I need to avoid spending time with him until I can find a new job."

"God, I wish you didn't need to quit, but I totally understand why. Will you look for employment in Nashville?"

"I wish I could but I can't take the chance of running into him and Kelly and their child. It would hurt too much. So I've decided to move, just not sure where yet. As a nanny I can look anywhere for a job."

"Have you given any thought as to what you are going to do to keep Hunter from pursuing you?"

I giggle at his use of the word pursuing. "Once Kelly tells him about the baby, which I hope is soon. Then I don't think I will have to worry about it. I'm pretty sure he will be wrapped up in trying to make things work with her."

Ryan just laughs. "You aren't serious are you? Hunter isn't going to just let you walk away, trust me."

"Well he's going to have to. I can't stand in the way of his future happiness. He needs to concentrate on being a new dad and not worry about me."

"You better come up with a plan then, if that's what you truly want."

I take a moment to think about what Ryan said. Maybe he is right. I should probably try to come up with a way to keep Hunter from flirting with me, at least until Kelly tells him about the baby. If I don't I might do something stupid like flirt back or even kiss him. 

I still love him and missed him so much while I was gone. I literally had to leave my phone off and in another room to keep myself from calling or texting him.

"I don't want any of this, but it's what's best." I say as I fight back the tears that threaten to escape. "Got any suggestions?"

"As long as he thinks he has a chance with you, I don't think he will give up. He definitely cares for you. It's obvious how he looks at you and glares at me."

"Hunter glares at you? When did that start happening? I thought you guys were friends?"

"Me too. I noticed it the day after I kissed you on the bus. I think he saw us."

I throw my hands over my face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"What good would it had done? At that point you were still trying to avoid him. I figured if he thought you and I were a couple then he would stay away."

"Actually, come to think of it, he did. He didn't try flirting with me until you left for Mississippi."

"Well, there's your answer. Hunter needs to think you are dating someone else. It's that simple."

"That's not simple to do Ryan. I can't just blink my eye and get a guy to go out with me, especially when I'm in love with Hunter still. I'm not ready to date anyone right now!"

"I'll do it."

"No, Ryan. We discussed this on the phone the other night. We're friends. I can't ask you to do that. It could make things awkward for us."

"Liddy, just hear me out. All I want is for you to be happy. If you think moving on from Hunter will do that, then I'd like to help you. He probably already saw us kiss once so it wouldn't be that hard to convince him that we got back together. All we'd have to do is flirt with each other when he's around and let him know we are spending New Year's Eve together."

"I can't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking. I'm offering and you can pay me back later by introducing me to your friend Shelly, that you keep telling me is perfect for me."

I laugh. "She is perfect for you, trust me."

"I do trust you." He says with a wink. "So do we have a deal? Will you let me help you out with your Hunter dilemma?"

"Okay, but only because you offered."


Hunter's POV

God, I miss Liddy. I feel lost without her. I've tried to work on some song demo's, but I can't concentrate. I just want to know why she left so suddenly and why she's avoiding me. I also want to know when she plans to return, so I decide to text her again. Maybe this time she will have an answer for me.

H: Just wondering when you think you might be home. Harper keeps asking me. She really misses you.

After a few minutes Liddy replies.

L: I'm already in Nashville. Ryan picked me up today around 11:30 am. Tell her I miss her, too.

I feel sick after reading her message. Just seeing Ryan's name makes my so angry.

But I need some more answers so I immediately reply back.

H: You are that's great! When do you think you'll be at your apartment? I thought I would bring Harper over to see you, if you don't mind?

Several more minutes pass by before she responds.

L: Ryan and I have a lot to talk about. I doubt I will be home until really late, maybe not at all. Please tell her I will come over around 10:30 Am tomorrow, so we can play. Will that work for you?

I read her text at least 6 times hoping that it will say something different, but it doesn't. It looks like I don't need to talk to her any more. She's made it damn clear that she's trying to get back with Ryan.

I literally can't breath. I feel like someone has punched me in the stomach. I was afraid he was the reason she was acting so strange before she left and I was right. As the tears sting my eyes, I pray. "God, don't take her away from me. Harper and I need her. Please, help Liddy to realize she loves and needs me, too."


I know! I broke Hunter's heart, sorry. It will heal, I promise!

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 I will be out of town and unable to write or post updates from Wednesday through Saturday. Until then I'm going to try and write as much as possible so I can keep the story moving. I apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

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