"Wor-King- out..." She stared blankly at me.

"But why though?"

"Because I'm fat." She folded her arms and poked her lips out. This girl is so spoiled.

"In all the right places." I licked my lips and pulled her into me.

I hate when she does this. She always goes on a rant about how ugly her body is, and how out of shape she is. That's bull. In shape or not, Quanni's body is amazing to me; it always has been. She's always been thick but now with this baby weight she picked up. My baby is the truth.

"Ugh no, look at this pudge. That is not cute!" She pointed at her stomach and rolled her eyes.

She went on and on about what she was going to change. I was on my third oatmeal pie and she was still talking.

"Hello? Are you even listening?" She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yea sweets."

She shook her head and walked over to the weights. I followed and kneeled down in front of her as she took her seat on the bench. I kissed her chin and grabbed her hands before speaking again.

"Look at me sweets," she slowly picked up her head and connected her eyes with mine. Her eyes were glossy and she bit the inside of her bottom lip so I know she wanted to cry.

"Whatever it takes to make you happy, and to keep you from beating yourself up I'm all for it." I told her as I kissed her lips in between words.

She blushed and wrapped her arms around my neck in response. I lifted her up and took her place on the bench and straddled her on my lap so we'd be face to face. She rested her head in the crook of my neck.

"Thanks for understanding. I love you Super Man. She spoke softly.

"I love you too Sweets,"

She smiled and stood up to pick up her weights.

"Just don't take her away from me." I said seriously, watching her ass intently as she moved.

She snatched her head back at me in confusion.

"Rich what are you talking about?" She scrunched her face up and waited for me to answer.

"Her" Finally she followed my eyes. She smacked her lips and told me to get out. She thought I was joking but I was so serious. She was pushing me toward the door but I was still talking.

"I'm serious sweets, I haven't even gotten a chance to hit right since before the twins." I grabbed her and pleaded.

"Yes you did, I was four months pregnant remember?" She rolled her eyes and pointed in the direction of the door.

"That doesn't count. Look, just do some squats or something before I leave." I know I sound like a creep right now. But she's my fiancé, I can do that.

"Rich, that'll just give me more ass. No leave." She laughed and tried to push me out of the door.

"Exactly. Here you want a oatmeal pie?" I held it up to her and she smacked it on the floor.

"Boy if you don't get yo-"

"Okay okay." Holding my hands up in surrender I walk up the stairs and leave her to finish working out.

Fifteen minutes had gone by and she was still working out. I was watching her on our security monitors. She had done 3 different set up reps of jumping jacks, leg leg lifts, lunges, and wall sits. Now she was jogging on the treadmill. I also noticed in the lower right corner that Skye had went into the kitchen and was peeking around the corner to see if anyone saw her before she got into the pack of Oreo's that were on the kitchen counter. I would've gotten into her about eating cookies before dinner but I was gonna use this to my advantage.

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