Aldini Takumi x Reader

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You took a deep breath, the letter in your hands feeling like a ton. You wandered outside of Takumi's classroom, your heart in your throat.

Should I give it to him?

You inched closer to the classroom, but shook your head and backtracked.

No, no... Wait for a better opportunity.

You began to walk away before you stopped in your tracks.

But what better time is there than now?

"(Y/N)-san?" You flinched and whirled around to find the younger Aldini before you, a juice box in hand.

"Isami-kun! Hey..." You chuckled breathlessly, your heart near beating out of your chest.

His head tilted adorably to the side as he examined you, trying to dissect why you were in front of his class.

"Is something the matter?"

You took a shaky breath before asking,

"Is Takumi-kun inside right now?" His eyes flickered to the class, then to your face, and finally landing on the envelope in your fidgeting hands. His grin would have blinded you and sent your heart in disarray had your mind not been set on someone slightly colder.

"Oh, Nii-san is buying juice. Actually..." He wandered over to the window overlooking the indoor courtyard and gazed in the direction of the vending machines. You followed him and started when you saw him waving wildly to someone.

"Nii-san! Nii-san~!!" 

Takumi looked up from his place in front of the machines and you felt heat rising in your cheeks. His blond hair fell perfectly around his face, his blue eyes cool and composed - but a spark of recognition grew in his eyes when his gaze fell on your figure.

You raised a hand in a tentative wave, when suddenly everything took a turn for the worse.

Isami's wildly wriggling form managed to send your heart in a wave of distress. The hand that had been holding the letter had been sitting on the window sill; but Isami's prone figure knocked it right out of your grasp. Your jaw hit the floor as you stared at the falling piece of paper - the one containing the most delicate of feelings.

Before Isami could even open his mouth to apologize, you had darted off after it.

Forgetting that the older Aldini, the one who held your affections; had witnessed the whole thing.

"C'mon, where is it!" You cried in frustration, seconds away from ripping out your hair.

You had looked in the bushes, looked in the branches of trees, and checked underneath benches; you had even asked several people of they had seen a white envelope.

All hope was lost. You slumped down on a stone bench, head cradled in your hands as your shoulders shook in fear.

What if someone read it?

What if they decided that they were going to mock you?

What if they told Takumi?

Your shoulders began shaking harder, and tears threatened to flow -  you thought of how you had put every pain staking emotion into that letter; and acting as though you hadn't spent practically all night on it sent a wave of pain flooding your heart.

"(Y/N)-san?" You heard the voice ask, your head snapped up and settled on Takumi Aldini's blank face. 

"A-Aldini-san..." That's when you noticed the letter in his grasp. A gasp tore through your throat and you pointed at the object with a shaky hand.

"I-is that - ?" He held the white envelope out to you; like a wild animal, you snatched it from him - holding it tightly to your chest.

"Thank you so much! You have no idea how hard I was looking for this!" You gasped breathlessly, a few tears escaping from their watery prison.

Takumi maintained his nonchalant expression, but a small frown pulled downwards at his lips.

"(Y/N)-san, you have feelings for me?"

Your heart stopped as you stared at him in shock.

"Y-you... You read it?" You whimpered, edging away from him slightly. His hand shot out to grab your forearm, preventing any means of escape.

"I'm sorry!" He managed to blurt out before shaking his head.

"I-I can't... I can't return your feelings." He murmured before stepping away in apology.

"Please," He bowed, arms at his sides.

"Forgive me."

Turning immediately after, he left you with your torn up heart.

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