Hayama Akira x Reader

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"You're going out again?" You asked Akira as he slipped on his jacket.

"Yeah, Jun needs help with grocery shopping." Your heart clenched painfully when you heard her name. Akira never helped you with groceries.

"Will you be coming back for dinner?" Akira didn't answer as he closed the door shut behind him.

"It's my birthday today..." You whispered after him, heart beating painfully slow.

It was late at night when you heard the front door open. You were roused from your sleep when you heard someone slipping off their shoes.

"Akira?" There was silence before an aggravated sigh was heard.

"Why aren't you in bed?"

"I was waiting for you... dinner's on the table if you want any-"

"I ate. I'm going to take a shower."

Akira brushed passed you and disappeared into the bathroom. Your eyes filled with tears and you sniffled quietly.

Were you the only one who cared now?

Everything that you had built up, from the day you had confessed to the apartment you shared now.

It had all been one-sided.

You had had enough heart ache.

Akira fell asleep, not noticing that you weren't in bed.

When he awoke the next day he felt like he was missing something, he rolled out of bed and looked around; then turned to look at your side of the bed to wake you - only to find that you were absent.

Akira like a dog, raised his head and sniffed the air.

There was no sign that you had begun cooking breakfast...

He slipped out of bed and called your name hesitantly.

Deafening Silence.

That was when he noticed that your shared home was strangely empty. He walked around the apartment, calmly attempting to reason with himself that you had only packed up a few things to give away since they weren't being used.

But when he saw the few photos the two of you had together, torn in half, the only half remaining was his face, yours - gone from the frame and from his life forever.

He knew that he had messed up.

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