Shinomiya Kojirou x Reader

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        This had to be considered creepy.

        Shinomiya was currently asleep on a couch in a room at the back of his restaurant. His glasses were on the coffee table, legs thrown haphazardly over the arm of the couch, he was laying on his back, his right hand behind his head; the left one hanging over the side of the piece of furniture. One of the staff had warned you that he would have most likely been asleep when you had asked where the owner was so you could have delivered a letter to him. But that had given you a golden opportunity! Somehow during service you managed to sneak away from the kitchen to seek out the man of your dreams.

        And lo and behold here you were.

        "His eyelashes are so long..." You didn't even know what you were talking about. You were just so happy to see him in a state of relaxation after all the stress he had been put through. The bags under his eyes had lessened, and his hair had gained back some of its previous luster. Your fingers brushed against his cheeks without your consent, trailing across his features in a tender fashion. 

        Kneeling down beside his form you leaned forward, unthinkingly.

        Your lips caressed the corner of his mouth.

        But you wouldn't stop there, your fingers brushed against the tips of his pale digits, lifting them gently so you could bestow upon each of them, a soft kiss. They were so precious, so beautiful - like every other part of him. You nuzzled your face against his hand and closed your eyes in bliss; this was the closest you were ever going to get to the man you admired and loved so much. You had to take advantage of every second.

        You chuckled lightly, Shinomiya would have been proud of you for saying that. The man was obsessed with using every moment to make something out of it.

        You pressed your lips against the back of his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before setting it back down.

        "What am I doing..." You murmured sadly, eyes watering as you stared at the deity that would never give you the time of day.

        "I can only love you in secret." You laughed bitterly, voice cracking as you said your next words: "I'm not worth your time." With that you exited the room, casting one last longing glance behind you to watch Shinomiya's steady breaths, shutting the door behind you with a feather light touch.

        When you were gone for sure or as sure as Shinomiya could be, he raised the hand that had been held by you and pressed his lips to the spot where your warmth had touched. He covered his mouth with his hand and flushed deeply, suddenly remembering the silken kiss you had placed on his lips. 

        "Pathetic..." He muttered before flipping onto his side.

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