Shinomiya Kojirou x Reader

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Morning had come too fast. You had laid awake all night, thinking about the incident last night. You didn't want to face up to the fact that he could be leaving you forever.

You were distraught to say the least.

You stared unseeingly at the pan of grilled mackerel in front of you and didn't even notice when Shinomiya walked into the kitchen, his hands fixing his shirt and rolling up his cuffs.

"Good morning," he said, voice betraying nothing of the previous night. You didn't respond, continuing to stare blankly at the fish.

"Hey, are you all right?" When his hand landed on your shoulder you flinched and sidled away from him.

Now he knew that there was definitely something wrong.

"What's wrong." You couldn't look at him, your hands were shaking. The smell of something burning caught your attention and you gasped as you reached to turn the stove off, Shinomiya's hand met yours on the switch. You yanked your hand away and stared sadly at the floor, you felt uncomfortable.

The man you loved... making you feel uncomfortable.

Shinomiya sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"I'm skipping breakfast. And I'll be coming home late tonight, don't wait up for me." His last sentence was soft, quiet, and heart wrenching.

He grabbed his bag and coat, then left your home.

No goodbye kiss, no apology for your missed anniversary dinner. You choked on a sob as you walked to the fridge, pulling open the door you pulled out the dishes you had made for the two of you to share. A shaky sigh left you as you scraped the food into the trash.

There was no point keeping up this pointless relationship.

But you wanted to believe.

Tears fell from your eyes.

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