Hayama Akira x Reader

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"Do you need anything before I leave?" Your best friend asked when they pulled on their coat. You shook your head and gave them a sad smile.

"I'll be all right. Thanks for letting me stay here." You whispered hoarsely. Your friend gave you a sympathetic smile and brushed their fingers over your face gently.

"Anything. Stay as long as you need to before you're ready to move on." They gave you a tender hug and disappeared out the door for work.

You felt horrible, physically and emotionally. All your movements had become slow and uncoordinated, like you were drunk. Your head hurt, your heart hurt, your throat hurt, everything ached. You were uncomfortable in your own skin.

Sitting in your friends' apartment when they were working to pay off bills you helped pile on. You honestly hadn't intended on coming here, you were planning on going to a hotel, just for a few days to sort out how you were going to tell Akira that you couldn't be together anymore. You looked at your phone sullenly and felt yourself fall deeper into despair when you still found no sign that Hayama cared about you. No calls, no texts, just a reminder that Hayama contacted Jun more than he did you. You covered your face with your hands and sobbed, you could never go back.

Sometime during your crying there was a knock at the door, albeit hesitant. You didn't notice it until there was a slightly louder knock than before. You looked warily towards the hallway but stood up anyway, hands wiping away your tears.

"Crap," You murmured, voice shaky and weak. You trudged down the hallway, your feet heavy.

"Sorry, the person you're looking for isn't here right now, they're at work-" You said as you opened the door, but your voice trailed off as you stared in shock at the person in front of you.

Hayama stood in front of you, a bouquet of white tulips in his grasp. He looked sheepish, and nervous. But when he saw you, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

You were sad to say that that was the most emotion you'd seen from him the past few years you'd been together.

You slammed the door in his face, unable to breathe. Before you knew it you had locked the door and backed away as fast as you could, tripping over your feet and landing painfully on the ground.

Sobs wracked your body and you began to hyperventilate.

He couldn't have been here! It was all a nightmare!

A part of you was happy; the man you loved... had been looking for you.

Another part of you though; wanted to forget that he ever existed in your life.

"(Y/N), please! Open the door!" Hayama yelled, you couldn't hear him though, the blood rushing in your ears. Washroom, washroom! Go!

You crawled pathetically towards the washroom, coughs turning into heaving.

This wasn't going to end well.

Before you knew it, you wretched all over the floor, tears streaking down your face and acidic bile rushing out your mouth.

You coughed and leaned against the wall, body shivering and head pounding. You curled in on yourself and closed your eyes. Wishing that everything could just go away.

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