Kurokiba Ryo x Reader

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Authors Note: So I don't remember who requested it... And I looked through the comments in search of your request (my memory is failing me), and I'm pretty sure it said fluffy. So sorry for the long wait... It's been a few months, I'm sure. But I hope you like it (you know who you are.)

"What the hell is that." Ryo growled as he stared down at the mangy cat in your arms. You looked up pleadingly at your boyfriend and saw his his expression soften the slightest.

"Please Ryo, can't we keep her? She has nowhere to go!" You whimpered, the cat in your arms let out a sad mew and stared up at your lover imploringly.

"Of course it has somewhere to go. It's called the shelter." Ryo said, voice low and menacing as he took in the sight of your wet clothing, obviously because of the pouring rain outside.

"But Ryo-!" You pleaded, Ryo turned his eyes on you and they flashed a menacing crimson.

"It's not staying. I want that little shit out of here by tomorrow afternoon. If it isn't gone by then, I'll get rid of it myself." He snarled, turning and walking back into your home. Your eyes watered and you looked down at the little creature in your arms, its sad amber eyes glistening.

"I'm so sorry..." You whispered, clutching it closer to your chest.

Ryo didn't bother looking around for you. He knew you were still in the apartment, but he didn't want to let up to see your damp eyes.

He was getting soft and he knew it.

If you had pleaded anymore he might have given in begrudgingly.  Ryo heard several faint 'meow's and a grimace slipped onto his face from his place on the couch.

Of course you hadn't gotten rid of it yet. He stood up after a minute of the noise, a growl tearing from his throat.

"Shut up!" Ryo roared as he stormed into your shared bedroom. You were nowhere to be seen, but the cat was busily scratching at the door leading to the adjoined bathroom. He walked over to the door and nudged the cat aside with his foot, it hissed and clawed at him.

He scoffed and knocked heavily on the door.

"Oi, (Y/N), are you in there?" 


He waited before he opened the door, thankful it wasn't locked.

"What the hell are you doing-" He stopped at the sight of the foggy bathroom. But that wasn't what made his heart practically stop.

It was you, fully submerged in water.

"Oi! (Y/N)!" A sort of panic slipped into his system and he ran over to you, pulling you out of the water. You were unconscious and he cursed, he immediately laid you on the floor and began feeling for a pulse, placing his ear to your chest - anything for a sign that you were alive.

Faint, but there.

He placed his mouth on yours and began breathing air into your lungs - performing CPR. Despite his steady movements, his heart was racing.

You better live to see another day.

Seconds after that thought, your eyes opened and you choked, rolling onto your side and heaving up the water that had settled into your system.

Ryo held your hair back and murmured gently into your ear, telling you to breathe deeply and to not panic.

As you followed his instructions, his hand moved to your forehead and felt an uncomfortable warmth underneath his touch.

His eyes narrowed and he pulled you up gently, grasping your arms in his hands; he pushed you back in the shower and cleaned you up, washing your hair and making sure the water was warm when it touched your skin.

"What the hell were you thinking... You could've drowned, you idiot!" He snapped, you flinched and shied away from him minutely, but he noticed. His scowl lessened and he concentrated on pulling you out after he was done and wiping you down. Wordlessly, he pulled you out of the bathroom and found you one of his shirts and some underwear - face expressionless.

You took them from him and slipped them on as he towel dried your hair. He glanced at the bed behind you and you got the message,

Better be fucking in there by the time I get back.

He disappeared out of the room as soon as you turned away; you slipped under the covers and felt a chill run through you.

You hated being sick.

A 'meow' interrupted your sulking and you turned on your side to see the cat sitting obediently beside your bed, gazing up at you worriedly.

You gave a tired smile and let your hand rest gently on its soft fur.

"Thanks little fella." You whispered hoarsely, fatigue slipping into your body. Ryo came back just in time to give you your medicine, you grimaced afterwards and lay back down. Your eyes slipping shut. You could feel Ryo staring at you, but you didn't open your eyes, only when you felt a gentle brush against your lips did you peek up at him.

He looked like Ryo, same wild hair, same red eyes, but you knew him better than that.

You could see how scared he was.

Because he almost lost you.

"I'm fine Ryo... Really." You mumbled, sleep over taking you.

Ryo left your bedside to go back to the couch. He slumped down into it and gazed at the ceiling, he was so close to losing you. That close to losing something he cherished more than his life.

A moment longer and you'd have been out of it. 

His eyes slipped closed, and he could have sworn he felt something brushing his ankles before he fell into a restless sleep.

He awoke quite suddenly to the sound of a yowl emitting from the bedroom. Immediately he shot up and raced for the noise.

The cat was there, pacing around anxiously as it stared right at him. He ran over to your side and found you drenched in sweat, shivering and whimpering quietly in your sleep.

He cursed himself. He was an idiot for not having given you more blankets, or a cold patch and for not even staying in the same fucking room as you. He ran for the bathroom, grabbing a cold compress form the medicine cabinet to place on your forehead before running into the storage room to get more blankets to cover you.

The rest of the night he laid beside you, keeping his arms around your slightly trembling form, occasionally brushing the sweat from your forehead with a towel.

The cat peered down at you both. Sometime during the night it had made its way onto the bed, and Ryo couldn't find it in himself to yell at it to get off.

After all, the little punk had saved your life.

And his heart. 

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