Ibusaki Shun x Reader

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        "Shun, we have to go now if we want to make it on time!" You called as you raced to your room to begin dressing.

        Shun gave a lazy grunt as he exited the washroom, his hair still wet from the shower. You gasped and threw a towel at him.

        "We have to go in twenty minutes, and you're just getting out of the shower? Are you out of your mind? Shinomiya will kill us, this is the opening of his first Japanese restaurant and you aren't even ready yet? Think about how Soma is gonna be chewed out because you-" Shun wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his face into your already did hair.

        "You talk too much." He mumbled sleepily, voice hoarse and low, sending shivers down your spine. You slapped his arm and bumped him away from you.

        "And you take forever to get ready. Shinomiya is going to skin us alive. He's going to fillet us and then sear us until we have grill marks all over. And then he's gonna kill Soma for having such ungrateful friends." Shun said nothing, instead walked into the closet to get dressed. You breathed heavily when you discovered that he wasn't listening...

        All your rambling gone to waste. He appeared two minutes later, black suit crisp and neat, his hair semi dry.

        "Let's go," Shun said as his fingers grabbed the nape of your neck to pull you into a chaste kiss. You mumbled something incoherently against his lips before pulling him closer; intoxication filling your entire being.

        Shun had never let you down before.

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