Chapter 33

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Jessica's Point Of View:
I woke up the next morning to the sun in my face. I reached out and there was no Justin on the bed I sat up and looked for him but he wasn't around, I wrapped a sheet around my naked body and got off the bed and went downstairs and I smelt eggs, and bacon. I finally reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into the kitchen and Justin was making breakfast so I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Smells great" I said kissing his back.

"Well Good morning to you too Beautiful" He turned around to face me and smiled.

"What's the special occasion" I smiled back.

"You" He kissed my nose making me giggle.

"Now go get dressed before our great friends come over" He laughed and I ran upstairs.

I took a quick shower, got out and put on white high waist shorts and a floral crop top then I put on my white Jordan's and put on a thin layer on eyeliner and mascara. I waked downstairs and there were all my friends.

"Well hero Rider" Fredo laughed making me blush.

"So who has a hang over?" Ryan asked and everyone raised there hands.

"Mine isn't that bad" I smiled.

"Wonder why" Justin smirked and I stuck my tongue out.

We all sat at the table and ate breakfast just talking about the most random stuff.

"So what's the deal for today?" Lexie asked.

"Well Jess and I are going to see our parents" He smiled as I chocked on my food.

"Are we gonna uhh tell them?" I asked nervous.

"Yes and don't be nervous they will support us I promise" He said kissing my head.

Justin's Point Of View:

Everyone left and Jess and I were now upstairs packing our stuff. I called my parents and Jessica's parents and told them to go to my Grandparents in Canada so we could have a family day and that's when we will tell them. I told Jess we were going to Canada but I didn't tell her we were going to see my Grandparents too.

"You ready babe?" I asked her.

"Ready" She said smiling and dragging her suitcase.

I grabbed both of our luggage and headed out to the Range Rover and out the stuff in the truck. I was having Za drive us to the airport.

We arrived to the airport and we were saying bye to Za.

"When are you guys coming back?" Za asked.

"About a week or so" I replied and he nodded we gave him a hug as flight 3 was called.

"Well let's go" I said to Jess.

We were now on the plane for our 5 hour plane ride.


The flight attendant just announced we will be landing in 5 minutes. So I woke up Jess and we put our seat belts on. The plane finally landed and we are now pucking up our luggage. My mom sent a limo to pick us up and take us to my Grandparents house, but Jessica thinks we are going to my Canada house but she doesn't know we got rid of it.

"Who's house is this?" Jess asked as we pulled up to the house.

"My Grandparent" I smiled grabbing our luggage out of the trunk.

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