The Question..

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Justin's Point Of View:
Well today is the day. Not only have Jessica and I been together for 2 years, but I love this girl more than anything and tonight is the night I show her. I am in the process if getting everything ready along with Jason, Fredo, Lexie and Layla. I was out getting and outfit, shoes and necklace for Jess to wear tonight. Then gonna go get her favorite flowers and pick up the ring I had her made. Just then my phone started ringing I looked at the Caller ID and it was Fredo.

Fredo: "Hey Bieber"

Justin: "Is everything ready?"

Fredo: "Yes that last finishing touches are done"

Justin: "Alright well I'm on my way so I'll see you in a few minutes"

Fredo: "Alright see ya soon Jay"

At that I hung up the phone, and a few minutes later I pulled into Fredo's I got a call from Jess, I haven't talked to her all day so she is probably thinking I'm mad at her or something.

Jess: "Hey"

Justin: Hey Jess, What's up?"

Jess: "Just laying her our bed, by myself all day"

Justin: "Well that doesn't sound fun at all"

Jess: "It's not so why don't you come home?"

Justin: "I can't right now, but I gotta go I love you"

Jess: "I love you"

At that we hung up, Jess sounded so upset which is good cause it's gonna make this whole suprise even better.

Jessica's Point Of View:
Did Justin forget our anniversary? I mean how could he it's our 2 years. Maybe he doesn't love me anymore, I feel like we are drifting away.. But I can't live without him. What if he's cheating on me? I feel like I have been stabbed in the heart.

I stood up and went into the bathroom, I opened up the medicine cabniet and took a whole bunch of random pills. A few minutes later I felt weird and that's all I remember..

Lexie's Point Of View:
Jason, Layla, Fredo, Layla, Justin and now Ryan were sitting at Fredo's.

"Layla and Lexie can you please go check on Jess when I talked to her she sounded really upset I just wanna make sure she is okay" Justin asked and we nodded.

We walked 2 Houses over to Justin and Jessica's house we walked in and it was quiet.

"I'll check upstairs, you check down here yell if you find her" I said and she nodded and we went upstairs.

I checked the screening room and she wasn't there. I then went to check her bedroom because Justin said that is where she was laying. I waked into the room and she wasn't in there. Maybe she is in the bathroom, I walked into the bathroom and I just lost it and screamed!

"LAYLA!!" I yelled. Next thing you know she was next to me.

"Oh my fucking god Jess!" She cried covering her mouth.

"Call the ambulance I'm going to call Justin" I said crying.

Justin's Point Of View:
We were sitting there discussing everything just us boys. I was starting to wonder where the girls are, just then I got a call from Lexie.

"Hello" I answered.

"Justin" Lexie said crying.

"What's wrong Lexie?" I asked worried and the boys sat up along with me.

"It's Jess" She cried even harder. Those were the words that set me off.

I hung up the phone and ran to the door.
"Yo Justin what happened?" Ryan asked

"It's Jess" I said.

Next thing you know we were all running to my house. I could hear an ambulance but I didn't care about anything but Jess. I ran into the house and didn't know where to go.

"We are up here" Lexie yelled thank god.

As we ran up the stairs, the sight I seen was not what I wanted to see. Jessica was laying on the floor looking so pale, and there was pills spilled on the floor. I dropped to my knees and grabbed her and pulled her to me as I cried harder than I ever have. A few minutes later the ambulance rushed in and took her from me, I followed them I went into the ambulance with her and the others followed. God just let my baby be okay.

Okay.. That took a turn.. I hope Jess is alright.

Sorry for the late update, I either get busy, or too lazy lol but I apologize.

I love #Jestin and I love this book for my first book I wrote I don't think its that bad.

So I wanna thank all of you for 848 views my new goal is 920 or more(:
So help me out guys ^.^

Anyways thank You guys so much for reading this book and I'm sorry for the mistakes and I the bad spelling I'm using my phone and auto correct us a bitch xD

but anyways love you all so much


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