Chapter 35

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Jessica's Point Of View:
   We have been home for a week now and I still can't get over that text message. Who was it from? I want to tell Justin but I don't know if it's just a prank or not. I mean who could it be? Delgado is dead, and my Uncle... I don't know where he is. What if it's my Uncle?

"Jess?" Justin said interrupting my thoughts.

"Hmm yeah?" I said.

"You okay?" He said grabbing my hands.

"Yeah just thinking" I smiled.

"You didn't forget about dress shopping with the girls did you?" He said kissing me.

"No I didn't when are they gonna be here?" I asked.

"In 15 minutes so get ready" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

I got up to get ready and started feeling quizzy, I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. Maybe I just ate something bad, I brushed my teeth, got in the shower quick, and got dressed, I put on some black high waist shorts, a pink tank top and my tan wedges. I blew dry my hair then straightened my hair. I put on a little bit of eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara.

"Girl you ready?" Layla asked.

"Yes let's go!" I smield excitedly.

Layla, Lexie, Christie, Bella, Talia and I got into the car and drove off to the dress shop.

"Do you even know what your looking for, for any of us?" Bella asked.

"Yeah I have an idea for it" I smiled.

"Here girls try these on" I said smiling as they all went into their dressing rooms.

The theme of the wedding is Purple, gold, and black. I chose these purple short dresses, with sleeves and a big bow on the back. They were hideous dresses, but its just a prank.

They all came out of their dressing rooms, and their faces were priceless.

"Jess no offense but seriously?" Christie said looking at her dress in disgust.

"What? I love it, its unique" I smiled holding back my laugh.

"Guys its not that bad" Layla said.

"Yeah its her big day, if she likes them then we should too" Lexie agreed and I just starting laughing my ass off.

"What's so funny?" Talia asked.

"I'm sorry guys I can't be serious here, those aren't your dresses" I said still laughing and all you heard was phew it thank god.

"So where all the real dresses?" Layla asked.

I handed them their dresses and they went back into the dressing room.
Layla, Bella, Christie, and Talia's dresses are long strapless black dresses with diamonds on it and Lexie's is a long gold dress with diamonds on it. Lexie has a different dress cause she is my maid of honor and the rest are brides maids.

"I love it!!" Lexie said walking out the dressing room.

"We love it too" Layla, Bella, Talia and Christie said.

"Good. Now change back to your clothes and its my turn" I smiled and they all went to change.

"Finally" I laughed.

"Oh hush, so did you drcodr what kind of dress you wanted?" Lexie asked.

"Yeah I have a dress in mind, I want a ball groom type dress" I smiled as we left the store and went to the one down the street.

"Hello reservation for?" The lady at the desk said.

"Harrison" I smiled and she left the way.

"You can look around here and try anything on you'd like" She smiled and walked off.

We all started looking I tried on 3 dresses so far and none of them seemed right.

"I don't think my dress is here guys" I said turning towards them.

"Don't give up, just try one more" Layla smiled and right as she did I noticed this one dress and I knee I had to try it on. I grabbed it and walking back into the dressing room.

I look in the mirror and almost started crying.

"This is the one guys" I said through the door.

"Well get out here" They all said in unison.

I walked out and they all gasped and all I heard was omg, you look gorgeous, and that's the one.

"I hope I'm invited" I heard a voice I never thought I would here. I turned around and there she stood, a women I thought wasn't in this life anymore, a women I never expected to see again.

Hey guys(:

I am so so sorry I haven't updated recently I'm gonna do another chapter or two tonight but I'm not gonna keep writing this book if I don't feel you guys like it.

It would be appreciated if you voted for my book or commented on it. I take the time out of my life to write this for you all the least you can do is show me interest in it.

But anyways do you have any idea who the women is? You'll find out next chapter (:

Bye guys love you all!!❤

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