Chapter 28

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Justin's Point Of View:
Jessica has been in the hospital for two days now. They vacuumed out her stomach and she hasn't woken up yet. I haven't left her side, I haven't changed my clothes, showered, slept or eaten. I just can't no matter how hard everybody tries to make me I won't. All that is running through my mind is why she did it? Why did she try to kill herself and on our two year anniversary. I've dine nothing but cry and I won't be able to stop until I see those beautiful blue eyes open up from this beautiful girl who stole my heart.

Jessica's Point Of View:
I started to open my eyes but it was a little blurry. When my eyes opened there was a really bright light so I covered my eyes with my arm.

"Can you turn off that stupid fucking light" I snapped. Then I realized that the last thing I remember was taking those pills. So I looked around and I was in the hospital damn why did they have to save me?

"Jessica oh my god you had me worried sick, are you stupid?" Lexie said.

"Nope not at all" I replied.

I looked over to Justin and he looked like complete crap he was just staring at me not saying a word.

"Can I help you?" I snapped and rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe your awake" He said in shock.

"And I can't believe you are here, still looking at me" I roles my eyes again.

"Jessica!" Layla snapped.

"WHAT?!" I snapped.

"What the fuck is your problem?" She asked.

"Him" I pointed to Justin.

"The fuck did I do?" He said looking hurt.

"Please what didn't you do?" I laughed.

"I don't know Jess why don't you tell me" He said standing up.

"You don't give a fuck Justin that is what you did! You didn't even tell me, nor come see me on our two year anniversary! Probably because you were sleeping with some whore I don't fucking know! I'm done Justin! I'm done with you and I'm done with us! I can't stand you and the way you stress me out I hate you!" I snapped as I was crying.

"I don't care? Really Jess! Really? And you think I'm cheating on you? I thought you trusted me! I never gave you a reason not to but oh wait I'm the bad guy! I haven't left your side for two days! Haven't changed, showered, slept nor have I eaten because I was worried sick! Now I realize that it's my fault you tried killing yourself because I didn't see you or say Happy two year anniversary! Well you wanna know what I was planning something amazing that was pretty much a waste now! But I don't care.. ok I use to be a player Jess but I fell in love with you because your down to earth, unique and gorgeous and your not like other girls! You stole my heart and I gave you the key but that doesn't matter now because I guess we are done! And I guess you are like other girls! So here was your stupid surprise! Happy two year anniversary Jess" Justin snapped while he was crying and he threw a ring at me and I was just sitting there in shock feeling horrible.

He walked towards the door and opened it and turn to me. "Oh and lose my number, I'm losing yours" He said and walked out and right then I lost it all.

Omfg I wanna cry right now! I hope they will be okay that that was a really bad fight...

Sorry for the short chapter, I will update again hopefully tomorrow(Well tonight since it is 2:06am)

Anyways thank you all again for reading my book and I hope to get 900 or more views :D
I'm at 850..

Anyways love you guys


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